Chapter Twelve.

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Ren: Trouble......but make it double!

Brian: ohhhhh! that was smart, Ren!

Ren: .....thanks.....

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Authors smexy notes:

Those two were soooo CUTE as kids, bro omfggggggg

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Kimetsu Academy

Monday, September 16th.

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Another day had approached, and Y/n decided to drive to school instead of walking.

She walked through the doors of the school district.

Lately, she feels like eyes are on her, and she tries to shake this feeling, just won't go away.

They go away when she enters the school.

ʷʰᵃᵗ ᵃ ˢᵐᵃʳᵗ ᵍⁱʳˡ.

"Ms. L/n? Is there something wrong?" Muichiro asked, seeing the expression on his favorite teachers face. He can not help but worry.

His heart beats fast. He really likes having her around. He's thankful for you, sometimes he'll tell Yuichiro how much he wishes he was older, around their cousins ages.

Then, he could marry you.

But this age gap is kinda big. You're two years older than his cousins. You're 22, and they're 20.

He's 14.

He frowns, seeing the dark circles around your eyes.

"Ms. L/n?" He asked again. "I........I'm okay, Tokito."

"Are you sure? Hey! Hey! Your apartment is not far from my house. Maybe Yuichiro and I could walk you home after club time? Or....."

"Or????" Y/n questioned, a year ago you told the twins you had lived in an apartment. Plus, they caught you walking home once. They said hello to you.

Let's just say you told them what floor you were on and your room number.

"Maybe we could keep you company! Watch some movies together, and eat some snacks."

"You seem.....paranoid." He looked into your e/c (eye color).
Your eyes grew wide, is he worried for you? "How about this....we'll walk to school together every morning and afternoon?"

Muichiro eyes shined. This idea was great! He'll get to see his favorite person every day! (pratically)

He nodded, ecstatic. You smiled at his energy.

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Later during the day.
3rd POV
Monday, September 16th.

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"Have you met our cousins, Ms. L/n?" Yuichiro asked with a serious expression. It wasn't unusual, but Muichiro had the same expression as he did. Normally, he'll give you a silly happy smile.

"There's a reason why we told you if you ever met them. They are related to us but......their family........The Tsugikuni family........uh." It sounded like Yuichiro tried to find the words to say to you.

"They're kinda unstable. Their father looked more a murder, and their mother? I remember that woman looked more like a doll. She looked empty, like a puppet, and their father was her puppeteer."

"I had a hunch Yoriichi met you already, after all he told me about your appearance." Muichiro said with an unexplainable expression.

"I told him I don't know you, we had our reasons. Which is why we kinda don't associate with them."

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