Taniatsu fluff

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Junichirou sat quietly on the floor as he re-arranged the many white shirts and black pants in Atsushi's wardrobe.

Over the course of months of dating, the couple have visited each other's places. Granted, the place the Tanizaki siblings stayed at wasn't too far from the Agency's dorms, so visiting was frequent. Atsushi noticed that Junichirou had a habit of changing the order of the objects in their home, a habit his partner brought over to his apartment. Not that Atsushi minded, the weretiger can be a bit of a scatterbrain.

After Junichirou neatly placed Atsushi's gloves in a drawer, they looked around themself and... if Junichirou were to be blunt, the apartment was really bleak. Sure, too much decoration would be overkill (they learned the hard way with Naomi) but a few trinkets here and there wouldn't hurt.

Junichirou scanned Atsushi's clothes one more time.

Other than white long sleeved polo-shirts like the one Kunikida got for Atsushi, there were a few dark blues and reds in Atsushi's closet (a blue jacket and a red one, a few shirts of the aforementioned colors), but that was about all the color they had spotted.

Junichirou looked once again at the red coat. It was similar to the one he had. Junichirou held it up. Is this mine? This does look like the missing jacket... wah...

Atsushi answered, "Yeah. I'm sorry, I kept on forgetting to give it back to you. You lent it to me on one of our first dates. I think it was the third? When we went to the fair."

Junichirou's eyes widened. "Did I say that out loud?" Atsushi nodded, he placed himself next to Junichirou and leaned on their shoulder. Junichirou rested their head on Atsushi's and said, "There's no need to be sorry. It's yours now."

Atsushi hummed in response. "You know, I sometimes even wear it when I'm bored, or falling asleep like how you would do when you see me asleep." He then added, "May I sleep on your shoulder?"

Junichirou nodded. They lifted Atsushi's head and softly kissed him on the lips. "Of course."

Atsushi smiled before putting his head on Junichirou's shoulder. He slowly dozed off.

The ginger's attention went back to Atsushi's wardrobe, he noticed his boyfriend's old rags from the orphanage. Tattered, but still wearable. Junichirou figured that Atsushi would never wear those again, they do not mention it. Nor did Junichirou move, afraid of waking up their boyfriend.

Junichirou had always admired Atsushi, even before the two were dating. Whenever he would catch the weretiger sleeping, he thought that the latter looked like a cat. And whenever Junichirou approached Atsushi's desk at the agency, he would hear Atsushi purring - he would unwrap the jacket tied to his waist and place it on top of Atsushi.

A thing Junichirou would do no matter where Atsushi dozed off; at home, he would make the weretiger a human sushi roll; at the agency, Junichirou always placed his jacket on Atsushi, and the weretiger would unconsciously wrap it around him.

Junichirou sighed in contentment. It was little moments like this that made them treasure their relationship with Atsushi even more.

Junichirou slowly took out their phone and snapped a photo of them and their boyfriend.

Unbeknownst to Junichirou, the camera shutter from their phone woke Atsushi up. They looked at the photo and smiled. Ah... Atsushi is so cute. He's purring again, I don't know if he knows. He denies it a lot, especially when Dazai brings it up. I think it's cute. I love my boyfriend.

Atsushi blinked a few times. "What was that..?"

Junichirou shrugged. "Gunshot."

Atsushi shook himself awake. "What?! Are you okay? Who got shot? Who shot you?"

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