(tachizaki) bonnie & clyde 1/4

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(unbelievable I couldn't find any tachizaki fanart so just enjoy this picture of baby atsu)
Tanizaki slumped forward in his seat, arms folded on the table at their local fast food as he rested his cheek against the sleeve of his hoodie. Outside the window to his right, the world was too black to see a thing, the night coming upon them as quickly as the violent rainstorm that's been terrorizing Yokohama for a solid two hours now. Between that and the winds with force enough to match that of a hurricane, it's no surprise him and Tachihara had to retreat here just to escape the weather.

Lately, Jun'ichirō's mood has been in the dumps. You'd think getting a promotion and a raise more than quadrupole of what he previously made would be something to celebrate, but quite honestly, that's the last thing Tanizaki had the willpower to do.

"He's far too dangerous," had been the words Hirotsu said last year, during Tanizaki's attempt to murder an ill Mori after being kidnapped by Black Lizard. "His ability is terrifyingly suited for assassination."

Fukuzawa made it clear to Mori that when they negotiated after the whole Decay of Angels ordeal was through, he could take any member as a bargaining chip for assisting the ADA while they were being framed except for Yosano. Of course, she had been the person Ogai wanted all along, considering his sickening obsession with her, but the Port Mafia boss had no choice but to agree to those terms; it was either somebody else, or no reward at all.

Though it hadn't been directly stated, Ranpo would never be given up either, considering he's basically the man's son. Other than his unnatural intelligence, Mori really didn't have much use for him other than that, so he was off the table regardless.

So with the exceptions agreed upon, everyone had no doubt in their minds it'd be either Dazai or Atsushi getting transferred; even the both of them were expecting as much. Not only are they the strongest ability users in the Agency, but their partners are apart of the Port Mafia, meaning Mori would have plenty of more power in his reach by putting them together rather than keeping them separate. He's always telling Osamu that he's welcomed back into the mafia if he so desires, and of course even if Mori didn't want to keep Atsushi - which would be rather stupid on his part - there's a very handsome bounty still on his head if he wanted to sell him overseas as initially orchestrated some time ago.

While Dazai acted as expectantly at ease that stressful week of waiting to hear back on Mori's decision, Atsushi was the one everyone needed to comfort. It was bad enough, the fear of becoming the enemy of the only family he's ever had, but being under Mori's thumb where he'll without a doubt be forced to kill and become the person the Headmaster abused him not to be. That was bad enough, but when Ranpo brought up the possibility of him being sold, Akutagawa had walked into the Agency only to witness the weretiger having a full-fledged panic attack.

All Tanizaki could think about during that dreadful period was how lucky he was to not be in their position. His ability is pretty useless, after all, so what reason would Mori have for plucking a crab apple from a tree full of perfect reds? Him and Naomi had nothing to worry about except offering their support to Atsushi and assuring him that no matter what happens, he'll always be welcome both at work and in their lives. There truly was nothing else they could do for him, despite what lengths Tanizaki would be willing to go to for his best friend.

It was obvious Nakajima appreciated the sentiment very much, but no one really did the trick of cheering him up like Dazai and Akutagawa. No one could influence him like those two do, and if there's one thing that could prepare Atsushi for the transition, that'd be the reassurance of knowing Akutagawa would be there with him every step of the way. It wasn't difficult to eavesdrop on their conversation with the pair only at arm's length away sitting on the loveseat in their office, knees touching as Akutagawa held Atsushi's hands in his lap while they had a serious conversation of what the future would look like if things go the way they anticipated.

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