(angst? to fluff) shin soukoku

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Drip... Drip...
Dark red fluid came trickling down the tiger boy's mouth. He was in an awkward position. BLEGH..
Atsushi coughed out his blood several times. Choking on his own blood. Akutagawa grinned, his hands on his hips. His skill, Rashōmon stabbed Atsushi multiple times in the chest. His blood stained his torn white shirt..Again. Pain and anger was the only thing that Atsushi could feel. Atsushi was still in midair, holding onto Rashōmon for his dear life as it was still pierced into his chest. He was preventing it to stabbing him even deeper. His face was scrunched, holding in his painful screams.

Crap.. Atsushi said in his thoughts. He was bleeding too much now, red puddles were forming below him. He was still struggling in pain until he was dropped to the ground. THUD. Atsushi, that poor boy, screamed in agony. Everything burned on his chest. This was barely anything he's experienced though, he's getting a little strong mentally and physically so he shakingly stood up, somehow ignoring his deep wounds. He swiftly switched back into his tiger form, surprising his enemy. But yet again, his enemy was way out of his league, stopping him before any scratches.

Akutagawa was left unharmed, brushing off dust from his dark coat.
"Heh.." he chuckled, "is that all you've got?" he smiled confidently knowing he's won this battle.

Feeling defeated, laying on the ground, looking up to Akutagawa. Atsushi was annoyed. No way he would let a jerk step all over him as if he was nothing. He's sick of that feeling. This was his last chance, his tiger form slowly came back. His heart was pounding. Shivers went down his spine, it was thrilling. He took a deep breath before using the obstacles around him to reach Akutagawa in mid-air. But he knew that he couldn't beat him, not in his current state.

It was warm. Atsushi was tightly embracing Akutagawa, flinching when he was stabbed again. His enemy was left surprised. Why would he hug his enemy even after being tortured by them?
Not again.. Akutagawa was left in surprise, he was expecting an attack.

"What.. What do you think you're doing?" Akutagawa was flabbergasted. He took Rashōmon out of Atsushi, catching him and carrying him in his warm arms as his knees were too weak for him to stand any longer. Blood still dripping. The tiger boy was sobbing quietly from the amount of pain, feeling dizzy in Akutagawa's arms and fell unconscious from the loss of blood.

"Shit." Still staring at the young man as tears slowly trickled down his beautiful face. Still holding him close to his chest. He was in a very rough state, he needed help immediately. He couldn't let him die. Sure they were enemies, battle eachother to the 'death' but not literally. If Atsushi ever died, who would he ever get into a good battle with?

Atsushi's POV
I slowly lifted my eyelids with effort.
*blink blink*
My vision was blurry for a few seconds. I could see the Agency members looking down at me, all with worried looks.

"Huh?" my throat hurt.

I observed the room a little more. I was in the agency, sitting on a hospital bed with a white and thin sheet over half my body. Laying on a pillow. The sounds irritating beeps from a monitor were echoing in my ears and so was the ticking of the wall clock's hands. The window was open, the breeze was cold but the touch of the warm sun was resting on me. I fully awoke when Dazai-san was annoyingly poking my left cheek, continuously.

"Well look who's awake." Kyouka-chan smiled.

"Akutagawa carried you here in panic, so I had to cure you." Yosano softly laughed.

"Ah - thank you, Yosano-san." I was grateful for her aid. But as I was thinking back, retracing to what happened just then. What happened to Akutagawa?

"Um.. Where did Akutagawa go? " I was curious to know his whereabouts. I had to thank him after bringing me here, he was nice enough to rescue me even after hurting me.

The agency members looked at eachother. It was as if I knew what they were thinking. Stuff like, 'is this a good idea,' or, 'would this be a safe choice?. '

"Please. We need to talk." I looked at every member, my eyes were begging. They left the room for Akutagawa and I to talk alone.

I could hear steps coming closer and closer into the room. It was him. I could see the agency with an evil aura following from behind, observing Akutagawa's every move from the door. His hands were in his coat's pockets , trying to act casual. It was awkward, I don't think he knew what to say.

"Why the hell did you hug me in battle?" He frowned standing infromt of me as I was sitting up to be polite.

Was that really the first thing that he asks me?
I totally have forgotten about me hugging him. I really didn't have a reason, I just thought he needed one plus it was a good distraction but that's too corny for me to say. I could feel my cheeks turn red from embarrassment, the agency will probably laugh at me after hearing this.

I didn't know what to say. "Well... Uhh.."
I was scratching the back if my head trying to think of a reason. I wasting his time. I could hear the snickering from the agency, plus a few slaps from facepalms. I was fidgeting with my fingers not having eye contact with my enemy. He stepped closer, walking towards me now. There was nothing that I could do but to watch since my body was way too weak. He rolled his eyes and hugged me. This was my first time experiencing something nice from someone like him, to give me affection. He squeezed me tight, it did hurt but I didn't care. I, of course hugged back, smiling. It felt nice hugging someone, it's like I needed it. I expected him to be a cold person, but deep down I'm sure he isn't.

Akutagawa's POV
The sun was setting, it was getting late. I was ready to head back until my rival, Atsushi was exhausted even from sitting up so he fell asleep while embracing me. What a little weakling. Though it felt lovely and warm. He unlocked an emotion that was kept away in my heart. I wanted to stay a little longer to stare at the young man's pretty face. This was my only opportunity to stare at him for a long period of time, being so vulnerable and cute.

Did I seriously fall for my enemy that easily? I was flustered, covering my face with my sleeve. Atsushi didn't let go of the hug somehow. He forcefully dragged me to sit down on the small, flat hospital bed, sitting next to him with my legs crossed and confused but curious to see what he will do next.
Atsushi (still somehow sleeping lol) brought me down next to him as he slept. My enemy was so close to me, facing eachother. His hair was soft and smooth. I want to learn more about him. I slowly closed my eyes not prepared to see what will happen once I wake up. The room was warm and so was him.

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