(fyozai) my sun

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(this ship this kinda growing on me)

TW‼️: mention of past sh

With Fyodor pov:

Fyodor Dostoevsky walked out of the airport of Yokohama with his suitcase.

He walked down the streets until arriving at a bus stop, and waited for the next bus to arrive in around six minutes. Fyodor checked the time on his phone, it read 4:21 pm. Which meant that it was 10:21 pm where he was, as Russian time was six hours behind japan.

The bus arrived and he paid for his ride into town. It had been around four years since he had last been here and yet he remembered everything as if he had been then there since birth.

After about seventeen minutes of driving the bus came to a stop which meant he was to get off. So that is what he did, he got off the bus with his suitcase and started walking towards the apartment complex's. Once at his destination he went to the third floor and walked toward room 507. A key was pulled out of his pocket, 'its finally time.'

The door opened to Dazai Osamu's apartment only for there to be bottles of sake and vodka left all in the kitchen and den table, a noise was coming from down the hallway. It didn't take long for the black haired man to realized it was crying. He placed his coat onto his suitcase beside the door and took his shoes off, not bothering to take off his hat.

He walked down the hall with the cry's becoming more clear. He opened the bedroom door to his boyfriends room. He looked around and at the floor. "Dazai?" The man in question looked up to be met with amethyst eyes around five feet away.

"Fyodor..?" The man walked closer and kneeled down to the other who was on the floor with puffy red eyes, two bottles of vodka beside him, one empty one half full, and holding a picture. "Fyodor is it really you?" The brunette man rubbed his eyes with his free hand.

"Yes Dazai, it is me." He wiped the others tear stained cheek with his right hand. "Why are you crying, милочка?" The brunette leaned into the touch and sniffled. "Because, i missed you.." He was clearly not fully aware and practically had alcoholic beverages flowing threw his blood at this point. For if he wasn't, he would have made up some excuse and put on a front with a fake smile. It made Fyodor's heart ache, had he known that him being gone and away for so long hurt the beauty in front of him he would have came long ago.

He pulled Dazai into a warm hug, his heart was making this harder than it should be for him, almost shedding a tear he placed his face onto the others shoulder. The brunette hugged back tightly as if he thought that the other was going to disappear in air if he didn't hold on hard enough. Fyodor took a long breathe in and out. "Alright, we need to get you cleaned up, милочка."

"Нет, я хочу остаться.." Fyodor sighed at Dazai's words, he understood that he didn't want to leave the comfort in their hug, but his lover was a mess and he could not let him stay like that and it become a habit.

He moved his arms to the others thighs and lifted him up, with a small gasp from Dazai, as it had been awhile since he had been lifted in such a way by his love.

Fyodor walked into the hallway then into the bathroom, he sat the other onto the countertop with ease and gentle care. The black haired man started walking out of the bathroom but was stopped by the other male. "Don't leave me." Tears welling in his eyes when he said those words. Fyodor turned around, "Im not leaving you, im just getting you some clothes to sleep in." Dazai was still visibly shaking a bit as if he was being lied to. Fyodor walked up to him. "I promise i wont leave you, мое солн." Dazai put his pinky out. "Pinky promise.?" He felt childish but he needed some kind of confirmation. Fyodor put his pinky out and interlocked it with the brunette's. "I pinky promise." Dazai smiled and so did Fyodor.

Fyodor walked back to Dazai's room and opened his dresser, knowing that Dazai always kept his sleeping attire in the same drawer. So he opened the top drawer on the right side. Right where he knew they would be, he grabbed a Ranpo shirt that Ranpo made for all of the ADA, only knowing because Dazai called him about it one day one year and thirteen days ago.

He also grabbed a pair of gray sweatpants then headed back to the bathroom. To be met with a Dazai full of relief across his face. Fyodor placed the clothes beside the man. "I don't wanna wear those." Fyodor looked at him confused.

"Well then what would you like to wear?" The brunette took no time to decide, he already knew what he wanted. "Some of your clothes, they're wayyyy more comfortable." The amethyst eyed man smiled and chuckled. And then gave Dazai a small kiss on the lips leaving the other in a faint blush but none the less with a smile.

He walked out of the bathroom and to his suitcase, unlocked it and pulled out a pair of black and white sweatpants, along with a baggy light brown sweater, then returned to the bathroom with the other. "Would you like me to change you милый?" The brunette nodded with a smile and blush on his cheeks.

"Alright, life your arms up." Dazai did as he was told and Fyodor snaked his hands under the mans shirt taking it off with care. It made Dazai feel nice, just like it had when Fyodor would undress and dress him for bed when he was in hiding.

Fyodor smiled seeing that his love was no longer crying and upset or worried. Dazai kept his hands somewhat raised so the other would not have as big of a struggle putting the shirt onto him. "Wait-" Osamu stopped Fyodor for a second. "Theres a few bruises on my chest and back from missions, can you kiss them? It would make them feel better!" He lied, he just wanted Fyodor to kiss his body. Fyodor nodded. The male on the counter smiled and placed his hands beside him. Fyodor placed the shirt down and put his hands onto the others sides. He placed his lips onto the skin of the other and gave it a peck making the other smile. He did this until he had kissed all thirteen bruises on the others upper body.

He then put the shirt onto the other, which was simple for him to do. He picked up the sweatpants and stopped for a second. "Are you comfortable with me changing your pants? Of course don't feel pressured into telling me, just wanted to know if you wanted me to change them for you or if you wanted to." Fyodor knew that the others legs were a sensitive thing and he hoped he worded it well and did not want the brunette to feel uncomfortable. Dazai smiled. "Thank you for your concern, but this time i think i would like you to." Fyodor nodded, he unbuttoned the others work pants then slid then down making sure to ignore the scars on the others thighs from his teen years.

Then kneeled down a bit and pulled the sweatpants up gently. Once at the others waist he lifted up Dazai and pulled the sweatpants completely up. He then sat him back down. "I still need to change, will it be ok with you if i wear the out fit of your clothes i chose earlier that you did not wear?" Dazai nodded. So Fyodor took off his clothes slowly letting the other explore his body with his eyes, as it was ok with him for the brunette to do so. He pulled the clothes on and got in front of Osamu, then picked him up, carrying him towards the bedroom.

He sat the brunette on the left side of the bed, leaving himself to get on the right side. Fyodor laid facing Dazai, as Dazai also laid facing him. But eventually not after long Dazai crawled over to Fyodor, placing himself in his arms.

Fyodor smiled, and kissed the top of the others head. He brought the brunette closer. "Я люблю тебя, мое солнце."

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