(tanihara angst) liar

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When Gin's blade flew towards Yosano, she moved out of its path instinctively.

She followed the blade with her gaze to find a person hidden under a white coat. A voice she decided to ignore whispered something she didn't want to accept. There was no way they could be in there, nor the door nor the bomb Tachihara placed on it had reacted. Unless-

She turned to the ginger. He was too hurt to fight, seeing him trembling and coughing blood made a raging fire light up in her chest. Against the whispering voice's words, she'd protect him.

"Come!" She exclaimed. "I will crush you."

The blade swung repeatedly; each movement precise and deadly.

She evaded everything they threw at her. A single mistake and it'd hit one of her vital organs. She saw Tachihara's gun and ran towards it, the second she had it in her hands she pulled the trigger.

The shots never reached them; his ability was much stronger than before.

She heard a creaking noise to her right. As the boat flew towards her, she let out a deep sigh. Are you fucking kidding me? She leaped out of its reach. A loud bang thundered in the culvert.

She made it so, from where they were standing, it'd seem as if the boat hit her. They got closer, close enough for Yosano to grab them from the collar. She heard the gun leave the ground and pulled them to rotate and exchange places. The bullets stopped before they could hit them.

She forced them to the gate and took the bomb. If she was correct, she'd survive. She prayed she'd die knowing she had been wrong. She closed her eyes.


A tear coursed down her cheek. It wasn't a bomb. She had been correct. She let go of the metal mannequin and wiped her tears. As she shifted, a sharp sting overran her, and she fell. Gin's blade had made its way to her calf.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Four figures stood at the now open door.

"The Hunting Dogs," she breathed out. With each second, more proof of what she had feared came through. She wanted them to stop; she wanted to be wrong.

She closed her eyes. One of them started to speak, but she didn't hear a word. Tachihara had said he was caught by a dangerous gang, at first, she thought he meant the mafia. No, she hoped that was what he meant, she didn't want to acknowledge the truth she had come upon months before.

"Undercover operative, Tachihara Michizou, the fifth Hunting Dog," he said. His voice was the only thing she could hear clearly. "And fourteen years ago, the soldier you killed, was my older brother."

Older brother? But-

"My infiltration of the Mafia was decided because the previous undercover operative... the abilities secret service's Sakaguchi, left, but it was my intent to apply," She didn't want to listen to him talking in such a cold voice. Please stop. "If I joined the Mafia, I thought I'd definitely end up near you."

Tachihara pointed his gun at her. She opened her eyes and looked at him. His eyes weren't shining anymore, seeing those eyes directed at her hurt more than any stab wound.

How much had been a lie? Did he approach to get closer to her? Every 'I love you' that had left his mouth now felt dirty. All the kisses they shared left a bitter taste in her mouth. Her body ached and begged to forget every night they spent together. The days they talked about the future now were stained with his desire for revenge.

She had to believe it had been worth it.

With the time he had wasted, he'd never reach Yosano.

She smiled. She thought of the times Tachihara had slipped. When he was too lazy to get a spoon and used his ability to get it when he thought he was alone. When, during an expected shooting, not a single bullet hit her even when she saw several coming her way and when he pulled on her piercing to annoy her. She thought of all the sleepless nights by his side, reassuring him everything was okay while he cried his brother's name and how cold his eyes became when she spoke of Yosano.

After hearing Yosano's past, a light of realization hit her. Just a hypothesis she couldn't wait to proclaim ridiculous and untrue. She thought she trusted him, so why was she here now? Why was she wearing a face that wasn't her own as she faced the man she loved. She didn't know the reason, but she was glad she did. At least Yosano was safe.

She knew Tachihara's mannerisms by heart; she knew the exact second when he'd shoot.

He smiled. The last thing he saw was the horror in Michizou's eyes. The last thing he heard was the little girl asking why was there snow falling, and the explosion in the barrel of his gun.

The last thing Junichiro remembered before he died was the promise Michizou had made when he confessed his love.

"I will never hurt you," he had said with Junichiro's hands in his, breathless from running to his side after he thought he was in danger.

The last thing Junichiro thought was that Tachihara Michizou was a liar.

(Story credits > doskyun (dppgnkk))

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