(suegiku angst) running up a burning hill

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THIS WAS NORMAL for Tetchou to hear. He had heard those very words leave Jouno's lips countless times before. But this time... There was something particular that stung his chest. Perhaps it was Jouno's emphasis on the second 'really' or it was that terribly ugly tone full of disdain that he used. Or... It was the way he looked at Tetchou; Jouno's brows furrowed into a tight-knit, the grimace on his lips, and the way the fine lines around his closed eyes were etched with anger.

He was mad, Jouno was really mad at him.

This all started when Tetchou interfered with the fight between his partner and a rogue ability user that they were supposed to capture. Things went well until a fight broke out between the ability user and Jouno - resisting his capture. Jouno is more than capable, Tetchou was well aware of that. But something in him clicked when he saw the enemy use their underhanded ability to try and throw Jouno off. It was a bluff, of course, Jouno didn't fall for it. But it was because he didn't fall for it, that put him in danger. A double bluff, a terribly risky gamble.

Tetchou reacted immediately, shoving Jouno out of harm's way and shielding his partner just in time but it was the aftermath that led to this current predicament.

The ability user got away amidst the chaos, not that that was necessarily a problem as the two of them could catch up at any given moment, but rather it was that Tetchou had interfered with Jouno's objective that irritated the white-haired Hunting Dog.

"Why did you get in my way?!" Jouno roared in anger, he grabbed Tetchou by the collar - pulling him close as fury etched itself across his features.

"Because you were in danger," Tetchou answered honestly, the corners of his eyes twitching in slight irritation. His voice was grating, but it wasn't terribly apparent to Jouno that he was getting emotional - not when the loud thrumming of his heart in his ears deafened everything else.

Tetchou wasn't hollow or unfeeling like some of those outside his profession thought. He felt everything just the same, especially at this moment - his chest clenched with a certain tightness that made him want to walk away. But if he walked away from this now, would this feeling truly subside?

"You're such a nuisance, always getting in my way." Jouno berated him with a stinging venom in his voice. Tetchou decides that it wasn't his words that bothered him; no... it wasn't that.

Jouno was hurt, and so was he. But the weight in Tetchou's chest became nearly unbearable - why? Hell if he knew...


"Don't talk to me. Don't breathe, don't do anything. You're better when you're silent."

Tetchou fell silent upon hearing his partner's words, doing his best to minimize his heavy breathing. He was certain Jouno could hear the way his heart was racing, pounding against the prison that was his ribcage. He was certain that Jouno could hear his agonizing heart clenching at his venomous tone.

"Stay the hell out of my way."

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