(Sigmatsu) frosted tiger cookies [and frosted poker cards]

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(I LOVE SIGMATSU SMM I CANT PUT IT INTO WORDS BUT ANYWAY!!!!!!! Basically in this au the Ada is a bakery instead of a detective agency and that's all you really need to know)
It was a surprise for Sigma to see the building open again. What was more surprising for him was the line forming around the building. Carefully trying to push past other people, Sigma could see the inside contents of the building.

His heart nearly sank yet he wanted to jump out of his chest. He looked up at the welcome sign to recheck that this new shop was what he thought it was.

"Bungo Patisserie"

Sigma sighed softly upon reading the sign before looking through the windows to see the insides. It seemed like a quaint cafe. Well, as quaint as one could be when it had a bunch of new people swarming it, Sigma thought.

His heart had slightly swelled upon seeing the different decor of the bakery. Up until now, this shop had been closed down. The last time another store had inhabited its doors was months ago when an old man and his wife had run the shop. Sigma often came to the bakery to indulge in their cookies and tea. Financial troubles were the downfall, and soon after the couple had closed their doors.

Sigma sighed as he looked down at his watch, noting the time was starting to catch up to him. With one final look at the bakery, he walked away from the crowd, taking a mental note to visit on a day with more time.

It would be months later until he fell through on that promise.


The only thing that registered with Sigma was an uneasy and annoyed feeling. It was usual considering his god-forsaken coworkers. One who was insane, to say the least, but he supposed was well-meaning.. and the other couldn't be described in many words that were still polite. At least, that's what Sigma thought.

It wasn't uncommon for him to get off of work feeling rather antsy as well as exhausted, to say the least. However, it was pretty much the same every day, simply walking back to his apartment to catch up on a small drabble he was messing around with in his head or to get a small jumpstart on the work for tomorrow. That is until he saw a sign.

"Bungo Patisserie"

He couldn't remember the last time a sign came back to haunt him so hard. It had been at least 3 months since Sigma first passed around the bakery and noticed the number of people, however, today was different. Upon slightly peeking in through the window, Sigma could conclude that it was a lot less busy than it was before, now that it didn't have a surplus of people swarming around it.

Well... Sigma did promise himself that he would visit it on a day with more time. Hesitantly, as if he was intruding, Sigma pulled the door open and slowly began to take in the scenery around him.

It was... different, to say the least. He is slightly in awe of the change in decor and... atmosphere. Before the shop had been decorated in a fairly standard way, looking quite modern and clean with the softer touches of looking like a home with the certain pillowy padding on the seats. However now it seems like whoever the owner is decided to scrap that aesthetic and go for a more vintage rustic theme. With soft greenery plants lining the ceiling and dark wooden tables. A wall full of books with what Sigma could make out as full of classic authors and a couple of more mainstream books. Careful detailing when it came to the light fixtures being just the right amount of bright when you walked towards the actual sellers of the bakery and more dim and soft when you moved towards the seating area. There was also a steady hum of music coming from somewhere which trailed and fit in nicely with the steady stream of voices being heard, from laughing to arguing to other pleasant conversations at Sigma that was able to simply absorb.

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