(suegiku fluff) glacial succour

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Winter was a season in which Jouno felt he could not appreciate in even the slightest. He hated how the cold bit into his fingers, reddened his nose and dulled his senses. He hated the way the snow crunched beneath his boots, and the way in which the snow fell and melted upon his shoulders to form wet patches. He hated how he was forced to strive for warmth beneath a mess of blankets every night only to wake up just as cold. Yet most importantly, he hated the fact that it was Tecchou's favourite season, and that it meant the taller man would use his newly founded joy towards the peculiar weather only to bother his colleague tenfold.

"You no longer deserve the liberty of my second apartment key." Jouno muttered, head lifting from the wall of blankets he had buried himself in as he heard the door click open, a jingling of metal accompanying the movement.

"Why not?" The typically warm tones of Tecchou's voice contrasted with the cold air that pushed through the door as it shut, and Jouno sank further down into his abode whence met with the breeze.

"My kitchen has smelled like red cabbage for days because you are in favour of abusing mine as opposed to your own!"

"I don't think it smells.." Tecchou mused, mouth opening in perplexity as he pondered the man's words for a second time before he spoke again, "how does red cabbage smell any differently to normal cabbage to you?"

"It doesn't, I just know you're fucking disgusting." The other corrected, relatively proud in biting out such an insult.

"Well it's actually not red cabbage."

A lie.

"Yes it is." Jouno snapped.

The swordsman huffed a breath of exasperation through his nose, lips pressing into a thin line as he bordered acceptance of defeat. Whilst the conversation had run flat, Tecchou knew well enough that it'd be picked up sooner or later - and the brune remained in preference of initiating such an interaction himself in place of creating opportunity for insult again. Though, it was strange that Jouno had sunk into silence this fast. Contemplation of shifting his colleague's legs to create space beside him had left Tecchou to sit upon the arm of the couch instead, favourable of the ounce of peace he may garner from such a gesture.

Shifting upwards, Jouno, who had formerly laid unbothered in such a secure cocoon of blankets, now leaned back into the brune's leg in a half hearted attempt to sway the other man's balance and send him off the edge. Tecchou retaliated with a flick to the back of his friend's head who soon sat up, swatting at the hand that dared to threaten his pride. Such lighthearted attempts of irritation towards each other warranted various giggles between them both before Tecchou paused.

The man sat in contemplation for a moment, finally having set on his topic of conversation to persuade the other into heeding to his ideas. For once, Jouno sat in anticipation, fixing his hair as he laid back up against the other.

"Let's make a bet."

"Why was I so expectant of something genuinely interesting? Go on." He replied with a sigh.

"Beat me in a snowball fight and you'll never have to witness my expertise in your kitchen ever again."

"Or I could kick you out right now."

Tecchou narrowed his eyes at this, bothered by Jouno's unwillingness to join him outside. Jouno's moods did tend to suit the season, however. It wasn't something that particularly bothered the swordsman, he even found it to be quite interesting - it was the only consistent theme in the man's mood; the foundation created by his environment, swayed further by the people.

"That's true, but will you take me up on it?"

"It's an awfully ostentatious proposal.. and freezing to death in my spare time doesn't quite peak my fancy." Jouno proclaimed, hand waving in the air dismissively as if he'd never truly considered the option in the first place.

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