(soukoku) strawberries and cigarettes part 1

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Nakahara Chuuya was an outgoing guy. Sure, most people were intimidated by him since his status is popular and they often mistook his calm, bored face as a resting bitch one, but he was still kind and was open to talk to anyone that wasn't a tattle tale.

When someone catches his eye, he'll do anything to try and approach them. He'll think of a thousand conversation starters and fun facts to tell someone he thinks is interesting. Of course, he's found countless people interesting, but there was one person who was the most amusing.

Osamu Dazai. The silent jet black haired boy who was a new student with a bandage on his face that sat at the back of the classroom and always had qa book in his hand. Chuuya would try and take a look at the title of the book, but it would always be covered by a piece of colored paper that was plastered on the front.

The boy never spoke in class or made friends either. Sometimes he'd have to recite during literature class, but his voice would be so quiet Chuuya's ears would hurt from being too strained.

If he was being honest, he couldn't exactly pinpoint why he felt interested in the quiet new student. It was as if he was being pulled to him with a rope- he wanted to know everything about him. He wanted to know why he was always expressionless, why he wasn't interested in making friends and why he didn't seem to give a single fuck about the world.

"Hey, Nakahara!" A voice called out from the corner of the classroom, distracting Chuuya from his thoughts. "Over here!"

"What is it, Shirase?!" Chuuya answered, standing up from his seat and walking over to him. He appeared to be with the rest of their group of friends.

"We're gonna go hang out later tonight, wanna come? We're gonna go check out this new arcade everyone's talking about." The silver haired boy smiled as he put an arm around his friend.

Chuuya sighed. "Can't, my older sister wants me to stay home tonight and do stupid laundry."

"You're half sister Kouyou, right? How is she?" Akira asked. She was the only girl in their friend group, and as much as Chuuya enjoyed her company, she was a real pain in the ass.

"She's cool." Chuuya shrugged, his eyes wandering around the room until his gaze landed on the back of a boy who was reading a book.

"That sucks, it's always better when you're around!" Shirase frowned. "You can just escape, right?"

"What if you guys invite someone else?" Chuuya questioned, his eyes still on the new student.

Shirase furrowed his eyebrows before following Chuuya's gaze and glancing at Dazai. "What are you talking about? Are you telling me you want us to befriend him?"

"He's weird." Akira leaned closer to them, keeping her voice hush. "He doesn't talk to anyone, and the only thing this entire class knows about him is his name. We don't even know why he transferred here!"

"Then wouldn't it be fun to find out all those things?" Chuuya prompted. "Come on, talking to him wouldn't even hurt a fly.".

Shirase chuckled as he ruffled Chuuya's hair. "You're really something else, Nakahara. Anyway, if you really can't come tonight, we can always hang out again in the weekends. You okay with that, right?"

"Yeah," Chuuya watched as Dazai flipped a page of his book. "Whatever."


Chuuya's life continued like normal after that day. Him talking to a bunch of people, and him being talked about by a bunch of people. The week flew by, and it was finally Friday. Most of the time, his classmates would host a party and the entire class would come, but Chuuya just wasn't in the mood for a party that Friday. All he wanted to do was go home, get on his bed, and play video games until he gets tired.

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