(sigmatsu) flowers

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Atsushi yawned and leaned back. He was seated in front of Sigma with his boyfriend's arms draping around him and head resting on his shoulder. He could comfortably lean his weight back into him as he slipped in and out of mid-day snoozes, or otherwise just reveled in the warm breeze.

It really was the perfect way to spend a day off from work.


In which Sigma and Atsushi spend some well-earned downtime together <3

if no one else is gonna write sigmatsu, then i will
anyways there's no plot, just soft <3

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:
They'd driven out a ways past Yokohama. Beyond the bustling city, inland from the sea, and into more rural grounds. It was tucked away in this suburban corner of Japan that Sigma and Atsushi found themselves on a pleasant spring afternoon. They'd spread a blanket out over the soft grass, wrapping up in each other's arms. Atsushi marveled at how Sigma had managed to even find such a secluded little place, but Sigma insisted that was his secret. He'd always had a knack for finding interesting date spots.

It really was the perfect way to spend a day off from work.

Atsushi yawned and leaned back. He was seated in front of Sigma with his boyfriend's arms draping around him and head resting on his shoulder. He could comfortably lean his weight back into him as he slipped in and out of mid-day snoozes, or otherwise just reveled in the warm breeze.

"I should show you something," said Sigma, running his hand through Atsushi's hair. He twirled a long strand between his thumb and forefinger.

Atsushi hummed contentedly, tipping his head back to look at him. "Like what?"

Reluctantly, Sigma drew his hand from Atsushi's hair, shifting so Atsushi could instead lie flat with his head on Sigma's lap. Atsushi didn't protest, just following along with the guided movements, that same curious smile still pulling at his lips.

"I'll show you," Sigma said. Hands freed up, he reached delicately into the grass beside him.

Atsushi rolled over to watch as Sigma plucked a daisy from the field. He'd seen wildflowers scattered about in little patches but didn't quite know what Sigma had in mind for them. He picked a few more, setting them down by Atsushi side until he'd accumulated a small mass of the dainty white flowers. It was only when he lifted the first two up, carefully twisting the stems together that Atsushi began to realize what he was doing. His idle smile widened.

"You're making a flower crown, aren't you, Sigma-san?" Atsushi asked as he gazed up from where he lay.

"Caught me," Sigma replied with a light laugh. He took a moment to brush back a loose strand of Atsushi's hair before he continued twisting in a third then a fourth daisy.

Atsushi watched in fascination as the chain grew longer. He had no idea that Sigma possessed such a talent.

"Where did you learn to make these?" He asked in wonder. The question, however, made Sigma pause as if he didn't have an answer.

"I don't really know," he admitted. "It feels like it's kind of just been at the back of my mind for a while now."


Atsushi knew not to press. Sigma's past was simultaneously all too simple and far too complex. Talking about it for too long often stirred up a sort of emotion in Sigma that Atsushi had yet to find a name for.

"Well I like them!" He said with a smile.

Sigma smiled back. He'd finished attaching the ends together so it now sat in his hands as a large ring rather than a chain. "Good, I'm glad-" reaching down, he gingerly placed it atop Atsushi's head, running fingers through his bangs to rearrange them around his face and his new crown. "-because it's for you."

Atsushi reached a hand up to delicately touch one of the dozen or so daisies; soft and silky under his fingers. "I love it." Careful not to knock the accessory off in the process, he sat up and shifted in. With a hand on his chest, the other on his cheek. Atsushi kissed Sigma, shy and sweetly. He tasted faintly of sugar.

When they pulled apart, both still smiled ear to ear. For an extended moment, Atsushi just studied his boyfriend and his strikingly beautiful features. He'd never been the type to call others truly beautiful , but Sigma...

He shuffled around, swapping their positions so he now sat up on his knees with Sigma in front of him instead. "Can I do something for you now?" He asked.

"Of course." There wasn't a beat of hesitation.

Atsushi reached to another patch of daisies and began picking a small pile for himself as well.

Sigma closed his eyes as a hand was brought to his hair, carefully pulling free the hair tie that pulled it back into a loose braid. Atsushi began running his fingers through it, separating his hair into two sections, one of each color. He slid the hair tie back into the lilac side to hold it out of the way as he started work on the white side. He then took the free half-section and split it into three smaller sections.

Sigma realized what he was up to when Atsushi braided in the first daisy. He continued working his way down the first braid in a similar way, poking in short-stemmed daisies at regular intervals. When he reached the end of that first long section, he ran his hands back over his work to admire it, before tying the ends with a makeshift grass hair tie.

"Two braids?" Sigma asked as the first completed piece was laid over his shoulder.

"I've always wanted to try it," Atsushi admitted with an endearing little giggle.

"I do have the hair for it..."

Atsushi giggled again, repeating his original process with the lilac side. The daisies stood out much better against the purple hue, but Atsushi had to admit that the finished style really did look rather pretty as a whole. Even more so on Sigma himself.

The original hair tie was handed back to Sigma to store in his pocket.

"Now we match," said Atsushi, kissing Sigma's cheek.

"I can't wait to see it later." Sigma took Atsushi's hands and pulled him back in close, Atsushi gladly settling against his chest once more.

With matching daisies, the two spent the remainder of the day in that remote meadow. By the end of it, the flowers had begun to wilt, Atsushi's crown sliding off as he nodded off on the car ride home.

But all the same that day off had been everything the couple hoped for and more.

(A/N : this ship is cute if you don't think of the fact that sigma is technically a 3 year old 😭)

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