The one. chp2

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You in a carriage on you're way to the temple, people recognise the carriage and started to look at you in horror or either disgusted. Of course, you're reputation was shit cuz [y/n Vishnu] herself was shit.

There were 5? No 6 god's in this world. People across can only acknowledges and pray to 2 gods to receive their blessing. No one have met the gods, i mean there was a details about their appearance on each of their books so people can recall how they look like but never in real life.

If you are lucky, you may acknowledge to 3 gods. If you do more than what you're existence was told, the earth will suck you alive and you will face the gods themselves. Only the saintess can pray to all gods and hear them. There was told they could meet them in their dreams too. Though somehow the female lead never met em.

Damn blessed bastard. So annoying.

You tsked while leaning to the carriage. After a while of losing you're thoughts , the carriage stop making you almost falling. "Madam, we arrived." The horseman open the door for you but still not making eye contact. Only the noble private maid can look at the nobles directly. Commoners isnt allow to look at them without permission since it's againt the law and prevent them both from falling inlove.

Funny how Sarah and the other male lead still fall inlove...

Now why are you here? Cuz you didnt want to die and the only thing you could do was pray to em gods and receive their blessing so you wouldn't die easily. You didnt care who, you hoped you didnt do  it wrong and got you're bad ending just like that!

Somehow, you're brain remember all the gods and how to pray to them. You can only pray once and if they refused you for either you done something the god didnt like or you did something shitty , you fucked up. No seriously. You got toture at the underworld or either if you're lucky , you be a servant for the gods realm.

You can't do anything what the god dislike. Since you were a disappointment and a frustrating child , you could either pick Zuzolt , The god of greed and jealousy or Llotl , The god of lies and truth. Cuz u got jealous easily and u lie alot but usually in a serious situation (for you. Like forgot to bring ur hw)

You walk inside the carriage and people looking at you and gossip, what worse was you could hear them clearly for some reason.  Dont look at me like that!! Fuckk!! You sweat but still remain a calm face.

The house of temple was big , walking around the hall, there were nuns praying including kids to their god or gods who the worship. A person came in sight making you startled. He had blonde hair and black eyes with a tint of green colour that seems like leaf.

" You are lady y/n Vishnu! The lord have reminded me that you coming to the temple. What do you need here?" He said with a calm yet happy tone while bowing down slightly to avoid eye contact but he was nervous, really. The rumours of Y/n Vishnu was worse that it make people scared. You were known for bullying commoners and this guy was one!

You stare at him bluntly , he start to get real anxious, hiding his hand that was trembling and confuse that if he did anything that might have anger you. But that wasn't the case, you were staring completely distracted by his beauty. Is he a side character?!! Or did you forget some characters?

You raise you're hand , stopping it infront of his face. " R-aise you're head." You said calmly. Yeah, calmly.  Fuckk!!! Am i worthy of demanding to this handsome, breathtalking, beautiful, magestic man???!!!! Is this real??? Am i realll!???

The male eyes widened but quickly showed his normal face and raise his head like he was likely told. "Yes lady Y/n Vishnu.. i will be you're guide now~" He smiles sweetly(he almost piss his pants) that seems to convince you. Too bright tf.

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