Jealousy. Chp10

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(Hi~ so this chapter will be focused more focused on Sarah! Maybe some bonus scene)

Sara could feel herself driven by anger , full of loath. She were willing to stab her own best friend because of one man. Sara truly did love you like her best friend. She felt the same way as you did but the day her crush who she resemble lover, ask her to asked you out.

Sara was blushing uncontrollably? Why? Her crush had just ask her to meet and she thought that he would ask her out. ' finally! Our relationship will be official! Ahhh!!! Do i look good?!??' She redden more on her lewd thoughts.

'y/n said this outfit is perfect....i trust her..' she smiles . You were something she didn't want to let go. She love you so much and willing to do anything for you and gave you her whole trust and heart.

She look up seeing the buff hot male waving at her. Cintlol Ayraila. He had long black hair and violet eyes with him wearing a ripped jeans and a normal T-shirt, you can see his abs , He also had brown skintone . He smiles sweetly almost making Sara was about to burst. Her heart beating faster.

"Yo! You're here early! You look pretty today too!" He grinned. Quite a handsome guy he is. ' He called me pretty!!' she thought delusional thinking that her crush love her back.

" Haha- well, iam here but i need to tell you something..." Cintlol rub the back of his head , feeling himself to be flustered. Sara- was so excited she said something embrassing.

"YES-! OMG--- I LIKE YOU T-TOO!!!!" she yelled out of love and were about to hug him but he push her away, she frowned confused. Cintlol look at her weirdly and sweatdropped. "You-... What do you mean...? I was about to ask you to set me up for me and y/n..."  He looked away. Sara face darkened by his response.

What? Y/n?? Her?? But....why---- why her??? She felt betrayal feeling all over her spine. She look down, while Cintlol felt guilty. The fact the girl thought that he like her but he was actually inlove with her best friend instead.

"You- you-- you like y/n instead......?" She smiles warily as her eyes began to water and the red mark was under her eyes. Cintlol expression turn into concerned. " Hey!" Cintlol never had comfort anyone or experienced something like this so he didn't know what to do.

Her tears started to water and she could felt her betrayal feeling turn into anger and loath. She were completely obsessed with him. "YOU- WHY?? IAM MUCH BETTER THAN HER! I LOVE YOU EVERY YEARS--- WHY COULDN'T YOU NOTICE ME?? WHY WOULD YOU NOTICE HER INSTEAD??!! WHYYY??!!!" she screamed out of anger and the crowd start to record and whispered loudly. Cintlol couldn't take the words out of his mouth as he look away making Sara heart shutter more. She ran out of there while Cintlol scream her name but couldn't ran after her.

He could only stand there in guilt. Sara, she had to get out of her daydreams and have to face the reality and so Cintlol knew that but Sara wasn't the one to give up like that. She will come back for revenge.

Sara bit her nails anxiously as she felt multiple feeling roaming inside her. She didn't know what to do now. She didn't know whether to betrayed her own best friend for a man. Her eyes seem to lost its sparkle like it use to be. 'y/n....y/n.....that bitch!! That fucker!! But--- she's my best friend -?? She didn't do anything but-- what if y/n had seduces him in order for me not to be with MY darling??? HES MINE!!! I MAKE SURE HE IS!!' her emotions took the best of her.

She didn't knew what to do. Then, she got an idea.


" Hey~ I brought McDonald's for you ~ I see you in you're dorm alright?" The ringtone said, Sara put her phone on her ears expected that her "best friend  would come over for their graduation. She put on a fake laugh. " Haha! Yeah~ i meet you soon alright? Hurry up will you??" she put on her sweet little act. She was a good actor and manipulator. That's exactly why she could manipulate anyone on her way.

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