Birthday Party. chp14

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Lol guess what day it is?

Yes it's the very day you die. Hahaahhahahahaah apparently you wanted to look pretty when you die so you told the maids the make you extrra prettier than anyone in the party so you atleast look fucking sexy when you die bahahahhaha. So funny

Anyways you were wearing heavy makeups on you're face with Connor at you're side and oh my gosh , he blew the whole damn world. I mean--- the suit perfectly fit him and was obviously for him. He had his hair tied up with a bit more makeup. He just make the whole cast look like shit to be honest.

By the way you were about to die anyways? So it's better to die in the hands of the man of you're dreams. You can imagine him holding you when you caress his cheek as he cried like a kdrama. You can really die in peace if that happen. It was a perfect opportunity to make Sarah jaw drop seeing a much more handsome man that her toys. Connor basically outdo them even though he was much more prettier than you , he was basically shinning acknowledge his good looks and personality, you want to date him soo bad cuz he was you're ideal type but you look like a rat beside him btw so you probably didn't deserve him

There were a black/ golden Carriage infront of you and it kinda bit to much decorations cuz there were some golden snake thing infront of it and it was shinier than you're future but on top of that, it was pretty. Kinda cheesy too. Wait haha anyways you got on the carriage and sat on the soft sofa( i forgot how inside carriage look like need to go back to those historical manhwa frr)

It was kinda awkward cause you're parents on different carriage so you, you're sibling and Connor share the same carriage. Actually, you might die before Sarah could point some bullshit to you cause of the tension. I mean you would fight back. Well actually if you could, cause Sarah is the choosen Saintess that even the gods are begging for her ass so you can't fight em with words right?? What the fuck you wanna do? Slash em with a sword?????? Well that is embrassing you would actually rather accept you're fate since the fucking gods are obsessed with the Saintess but you can't say that right? The novel didn't show the Gods and the Saintess approach each other though but anyways

This is so sad you wanna laugh and the fuck you did making the tension more awkward. Connor juat stare at you worriedly while you're sibling stare at you like you were insane. " What??? Are you okay? Is you're brain okay? Are you my sister" You wanna punch you're sibling cause it was obvious they were tryna say you were fucking insane and probably got possessed while they look at you concerned. " No iam not."

" No iam being serious y/n. What drug did you took?" They lean to you seriously and guess what you did? You actually slap them cause you were bored and offended. They look at you in fear "oh wait-- reall--y not my sister....." They back away and slide beside Connor while he look like he was disappointed

"Do you wanna die?"

"Hahaha. Well, we cant have you injured when we going to the party right??" Connor said as it look like he only said that to you only , ignoring Val who had a hard red mark on their cheek. Val puffed and just cross their arm and put their head on Connor shoulder who their expressions was uncomfortable and obviously angry cause you're sibling just got into his personal space. You decided to help em up. "Val if you seat beside me, i will give you half of my coins." You remark. "Ok."

Connor thanked you while you didn't say anything and just look at his face. Wow an angel juat straight up thanked you. Hahaha this is the only thing you could atleast do before you die.

The carriage stopped as you walk out of the carriage, seeing the huge mansion, walking in , there were many people awaiting you're presence. The guards flinched back seeing you , Connor and you're family, completely recognised who you all were. "C- Connor Ouliane and the Vishnu family has arrived!!" They opened the door as all attentions went to you all. They gasped and whispered among each other with their mostly topic about the beautiful male beside you.

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