a sudden war. Chp24

670 19 1

(i apologize for not posting at the moment, i wasn't in much mood for writing these days.)

ahahahaahahahaha! This is heaven! True heaven! Happiest moment of you're life! Oh my god! Finallyy!!!! You're nails deepen the floor as you cried out of happiness. Iam done! Iam done training!!!! Me!! Iam done!!!

".... what's with her?" Zack muttered but his words doesn't held any bad intentions only if he wanted to face the god's wrath. "Maybe she's sad we have to part away! Don't worry Saintess! I visit you!!" Lavina cried, yelling at you from afar but you nonetheless, ignore her. 'i finish the training!! It was...was hell....oh my gosh....' basically, you were back to the temple. And the angels dissapeared from you're sight. Kinda miss them now lol... Anyways , you're first meeting with all of the god's were...quite interesting....i mean, woah how old r u now tf? 1.3 trillions years? Looolll but seriously it was crazy.

Anyways, lets think of that later! You were back baby!! Oh my god! You miss earth! Though heaven was really fun too , you like to stay there to be honest only if you didn't have family and friends here! You were planning to meet them as soon as you back!! You eyes laid seeing Alice was...running toward you? You pull out you're arms "girl, you okay? Whats wrong?!" Alice never act like this before. Alice look at you, feeling guilty and stunned., She kneel before staring at you. "My lovely Saintess, it's an emergency! The Vishnu family, Rossane Saynila, Kurade Ryaine and Liana Ryaine have been capture! By the emperor! They coming toward the temple! We have to go now!"

What.( How many times have you said this..)


The whole army of soldies came in sight, the nun running around feeling panic where the soldiers were holding weapons. With the other male leads in the front and the prince and Sarah the main deal. Sarah was behind the prince who were riding the horse. There were bunch of old times bomb thing where they throw it at the back with soldiers prepared to fire everytime needed.  Alexandra red eyes glares , he was the very infront of the temple. Only one order they could anytime destroy the whole place. The woman nun infront of the temple tremble, her knees weaken as her eyes began to water. Alexandra look down at her.

"Tell me. Where is y/n Vishnu. I let you have mercy..." Alexandra coldly demand. The nun tremble more , " i dont know! I dont know! I swear to the gods! I really dont know!!! Please don't kill me!!! Please!! I beg of you!!" The nun cried out as she kneel, look down , not wanting to meet his gaze. Alexandra before killing her brutally, he hide Sarah behind to prevent her to sees the gorery scene , he cut of the nun head. The blood sprayed thru his clothes , the horse and abit to Sarah. Her body fell down , blood flowing to the floor.

Alexandra put his hand up, he point at the temple and yelled " Attack!!!" The whole army screamed,,, the bomb destroying the whole temple. They all destroying everything near them and the nuns. Even children who were abadoned.

The other high priest wasnt many. They were powerful but not enough to defeat the other male leads. They arrived and trying hard to defeat them. Many have died. They couldnt save them. Xaxier attack them with his strong magic. Grinning. Charlie, he got down from his horse, he brutally kills all of them, every children...womans...mens....even though Alexandra was definitely stronger than he will ever be, hes the most intense.

They're all froze. The sound of footsteps getting near them. Sarah smirked. Shes knew. She knew it was you. Her excitement getting bigger and her curiosity is louder than anything wanting to know you're reaction when you find out you're dear family and friends at the palm of her hand. Alexandra eyes widened seeing you. You gave them a dirty look as if mocking them. He grinned warily... you're pure mana now was much much powerful than before. He could tell you became stronger than before.

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