Hangout. Chp12

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(i forgot to post this in the morning hzlp😨😭iam so sorry)

The carriage move and you could hear the horseman yelling to the people to get out of the way. The whole place quickly recognised the carriage as they whispered. You close the curtain so it couldn't be more obvious you were embrassed.

" Hah. Oldies these days.." you stick out you're tounge sneakly. The carriage move as it made it way to Sarina mansion, there were trees on the road way.

The carriage stopped , as the horseman open the door and held out his hand, you took his hand and get down from there as you appear to be infront of the mansion.

It was much more bigger than Rossane Mansion or the same? Well, you were more curious why she wanted to ask you to meet her in her mansion. You go all the trouble to do this. When you were out of bed just this morning, you saw a letter on the desk and it was from Lady Sarina so you visit her.

Before you could push the huge door, it open on its own as there workers bow down in respect. You sweatdropped " Lady y/n, i be you're guide." A maid said as she didn't do any eyes contact. You nodded as you followed her when she lead the way.

There , after walking up the stairs , she knocked the door known as Selina room before going in. " Come in." You could hear Selina voice behind the door as the maid open the door. " I brought her Lady Selina." The maid said as Selina brighten.

"You're excused. " The maid nod at her response as she left you two alone making you it awkward. Selina pat on a chair beside her while you take the signal and sat beside her , moving you're chair a little.

" Hahaha, why are you nervous? Did i make uncomfortable at the first time we met?" She tilted her head as you shook you're head , thinking she's misunderstood " ahh!! No- i just--- feel nervous somehow." You exclaimed as she stare at you and smiles.

" Is that so? Well, i have to much time to talk about-- but, A week soon is my birthday and i thought just giving you the letter wouldnt be wise of me right?", She smile as you deadpalm. I mean-- okay, you will go to her birthday but like...she could have seen a letter but you didn't got the heart to complained so you nod slowly.

" Great." She hand you the invitation letter. You stand up thinking it was all over and a waste of times but she stopped you from that. " Hey-- where are you going? We haven't finish yet!" She laughed with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Oops-! Sorry..." You sat back on the chair while smiling apologizing. Her smiles widened as you sweatdropped in confusion. What is she plotting?

"You know my birthday is where the Saintess will be revealed. Don't you hear it on the way here? The archangel Michael, will come here themself." You face scrunched into one of horror. SHIT! how could you forgot about that???? It was where Sarah true identity will be reveal!!

I mean-- almost everyone thought Sarah was the saintess cause of her " kind" nature but shittt!!!! You're dead! You look down feeling anxious not noticing Selina smiles widened seeing you're in terror.

", By the way, i heard Sir Connor is handsome. Its is everywhere so i thought,why dont you brought Sir Connor to enlighten the mood?" She tilted her head as you frowned more. Oh hell nahhh.....But like, i mean it's a way to humiliate Sara h you got a hotter man , not really you're man but still. He's fucking hot as fuck and so was Sarah i mean--- what if Connor fell inlove with Sarah and betrayed you?? What if he turn his back to you?? You won't want that. But it's a good way to Humiliated her though! So you didn't knew what to do. Suddenly, Selina grab both of you're hands, clapping them together with hers.

" How about it? Please ~ i wanna see the handsome man that everyone talk about on my birthday. Won't you invite him for me?" She gives you off that puppy eyes as you could feel you're eyea burning by her beauty. You sighed in defeat as she showed off a toothy grin.

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