The priest. Chp19

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Walking near Alice,  she was rather comfortable with you unlike others. It embrassed you and she seemly to know you well....did you met her before...? You can't seem to remember.

"Where are we going?" You asked , Alice look at you and smile attractively "training place of course." You look at her deadpalm. How did she say that with a normal face????

You continuely following her , getting anxious every step you took. As you arrived , there were place , big but empty with beautiful scraps on the floor and halls. It was all white , the sun near it making the place brighter. You gasped in amazement, looking around " is this the place iam going to train....?" Alice turn to you "no."

You look at her confused "then why you bring me here??" Alice said nothing , she took a step toward you , you're both were the same height. She kneel to you as you notice , her hand infront of you as in attempt waiting for you to gracefully give you're hand. You gave you're hand to hers , she smile slightly feeling the warm of you're hand.

She stand up , you're eyes widened as there were white messy lines surrounding you both like magic. "My lord , My savior, My everything. I ask you permission to enter the home of the good. With The Saintess by my side, i beg of you. Please, let us enter this heavenly place you created." She chanted, you somehow glow feeling visible the shine block you're eyes sight. You closed you're eyes. 

You seems to can see now , opening you're eyes , you were in awe where the angels surrounded living freely. What was more amazing? Was that there was a huge castle but a little smaller and more modern and look new as ever. You cant seem to recall the details since it was far away but, you can tell it was the home of these angels.

Like cats , there were childrens with a small wings behind their back and the adults who had big wings , flying in the blue sky happily as they spin around. " this place...? Oh wait-- am i-- OMG!!??!--- IN HEAVEN??" You awed more , breathing the fresh air , standing at a cloud like a floor upward. " Well yes you can say that." She smile sweetly at you. You bop you're head to her. " Can a high priest do this..? "

"You can say that." Every angels immediately notice you're presence, bowing to you greeting you. You sweatdropped feeling weirded out when these all beautiful angels kneeling to you.

"Oh my god is that the Saintess?!"

"What is the Saintess doing here?"

"Shes really prettier than what they say!"

"Isnt that Alice beside her?"

You heard them angels muttered with each other , overhearing they said Alice name. Had she been here many times...? The angels quickly shutten up when feeling the mana of The archangel, Michael himself and other archangels , they flew down infront of you. Bowing gracefully to you , Michael was the front and were near you , he grab you're feet softly and plant his lips on you're feet in a way of showing gratitude. Rose hues creeped to you're face and to you're neck.

"We greet The Saintess. You finally arrived." He look at you as you blushed more seeing his beautiful and bright sea eyes that were staring deeply to you're eyes with full of caring. Not knowing Alice was glaring at him. "H-huh----? Oh. Oh!! Yeah-....yeah.." you covered you're face with you're hand and quickly snatch you're feet back when you could feel his soft and (delicious) lips keeping in place. His eyes widened slightly than being somewhat suprised. He smile while you tryna not to let out a blood curling scream.

'plz lord. Dont do this to me ogmgmomg is this a love moment?????? Maybe being the Saintess aint that bad if i have this hot strong archangel.' you bit you're lips, looking at the angel infront of you. He let out a chuckle, and stand up while the other Archangels continuely kneel without moving at all.


Unfortunately, you're family wasnt doing good just after you left. Why? Because suddenly there were these anti- Saintess bitches roaming thru their house with a sign like 'Y/n Vishnu isnt the Saintess! Shes a wicked woman!' or ' Sarah is the REAL Saintess!!' Val groaned , feeling annoyed while the guards trying to stop them from storming inside of the mansion. It was commoners and nobles either way.

The prince yelled loudly "surrounded now and give Y/n Vishnu so we have no problems or suffer the consiquences!" He yelled , as the crowds yelled louder for support. "Oh my god! Where is y/n?!!" They grip their hair , feeling a massive headache and before they could actually go insane right now.

"Well." You're father were clearly mad, angry that people opposite that you were the Saintess. What proof is that Sarah is the Saintess and y/n is not when the archangel and god of lies and truth came themself to show the world?!??! What bullshit are they even talking about?! His aura getting darker every moment.

Xaxier like a predator he is, The house start to shake like an earthquake. The whole mansions fill with screams where Xaxier look at the mansion with no emotion. Sarah was smilling leaning herself to his back as she giggles seeing you're family feeling fear , rolling back and forth.

She act like she was indeed worried but anyone could tell that she wasnt even abit, she didn't even try to defend or something when them all said those signs. Oh if only her love wasn't so cruel....these couldn't have happen.

The guards was harshly push by Sarah fans , they step on them like they were nothing and stormed into the house , searching for the main targets. The guards was either dead or struggeling to survive when their all step on them, their sharp shoes that make a huge bruise and could a make a fatal injuries while they knew, but didnt care or hesitate. The blood started to roam thru the house , their body was like a bullet shot through every part they have. It was all under Sarah control.

The prince quickly jump out and dash as their all killed the maids there with all of their heads cut off in a second. Charlie was an amazing swordman that he could slashed them in an inhuman speed. The people slamming the door which was lock.( Not like the modern like where they put chairs and table so it wont move.)

The Vishnu family was filled with emotions , anger , sadness and agony. Where was you? Wasnt you the Saintess? Where are all the gods helping them? Their all start to pray to help them crying miserablely. They just wanted to live.

It was pitiful that the god's didn't even care about them. They were more likely focus on the Saintess right now and ignoring their prayers.

They all were watching you, not missing any seconds , even if its unnecessary. You felt shy walking through the hall where all angels bowing to you side by side with Alice and Michael beside you. Ulios chuckles , finding you shy adorable.

"Is it possibly the times for us to meet her? I wanna feel her scents close!!" Zuzolt complained to Cinlotl. "Pervert." Cikdar gave him a dirty look clearly feeling uncomfortable when his throne just beside him. "Oh don't tell me you dont want to. Hmmm?????? Beside , Llolt already met her, i want too!"  Zuzolt match both hands of him together looking at Cinlotl with pleading eyes.

Zuzolt had many forms , his true form was a nightmare for people and they die just by seeing his terrific form. Another form was when he's in rage where he look even moree creepier. And Zuzolt is the 2nd tallest though he usually use his human form. Most of them does. They're all were very tall than normal human being or any creature's out there so they prefer to use theirs human form even so, they were still taller than you.

You walked into the very big castle , you're eyes widened in amazement. It was all very beautiful and magnificent, the breathing was very refreshing and it was so beautiful you couldn't put words to it. "If something displeased you then you can freely tell anyone here. I prefer if you tell the other archangels or me."  You were completely distract by this whole castle. "Also, iam telling you to watch what infront or what in the back of you. See , you might aswell bump into one these angels and can hurt yourself or...the god's.." you gulped in the mention of the gods.

All you know is you definitely not ready to met them! 'i mean they are hot asf like even Llolt look smoky fine so i guess its fine - wtf am i thinking.' you shook off you're head and smiles, wanting to ignore you're dirty thought especially in heaven. You look around as them both escort you.

" The saintess mind is indeed unholy....". Llolt coughed, trying to hide his smile with his whole face redden. Zuzolt jump in excitement with his sharp teeth ready to bite anytime. Cintlol feel the presence of another certain god nearby , he look aside boredly "you're here. Evadus."

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