the world without me. Chp18

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(oh my god my exam ended i can finally post😭)

"A report came that two person died at ##### apartment. We assume that the girl- Sara Quaiyly had killed Y/n L/n and suicide."

Her eyes widened in terror. What...? "Oh my...poor lad." Her mother said pitifully, she was just came in hearing the news on the TV that her mother had watch. She could feel her eyes to water. She trembled in shock.

"What- the hell wrong with you?" Her sister called out, sweatdropping. "" She cried out as she started to kneel. Her mother and sister ran toward her, worrying about her sudden breakdown.

"... erk -- wh,--wh-whhy....why is this alwayss-- happen- to me....? Y/n. Y/nn-- y/...n." she hiccup and chocked on her tears. Her tears crumble down to her eyes , as she felt a sense of full guilt getting to her.

You. You were like a gift to her from god. The light came guiding her darkness. And you know? Lights always turn off everytime. She she was always a bad luck. This would have never happen if she never approach. If she act abit more.... approach and confident to you-- if she could turn back time-- could she had save you? Could she...had be a bit more different....?

"Sara. Sara--  Fuck...fukcfucklkfuckck you sooo -- fucking bad you crazy..BITCH.!!!!!! YOU CRAZY HOEE-EE!!!" she yelled out , cursing her mind out as they all panicked. Sara Quaiyly. Her. She was dead but it was still not enough for her. How could she kill such a person? A person so loving and kind? How could she? She should be considered lucky to be in the presence of her and yet she dares to touch her? Killed her and then suicide? Like she was some type of 'nice friend'??? Did she thought killing herself would make shit better?

'fuck. If only i could protected her. If only i could protect you instead of you protecting me. Iam sorryy.....iam so sorry soo so fucking sorry but it' late. What can i do? Can i only bawl here? Sarah was dead? Tf do i do? Please God give me a fucking sign what am i gonna do next. I feel like iam about to die. I don't know what to do without her. Please..' her tears won't stop to water , the parent's got her up, trying their best to comfort her but she didn't listen. She didn't had her ears on them like she used too.

"Alice- what is wrong with you? Bawling here and crying like a crazy child? This is absurd! Stop right now!" Her father yelled out in anger , her mother tried to defend her. She felt her body to boil as there was her sister looking at her in pitiful yet in boredom like she was looking down on her. She was done on this fucked up family. She couldn't stand it anymore. What the fuck were she doing for 19 years for her whole life? Obeying them like a fucking slave. She wasn't..she wasn't...someone that people can use. She won't stand for it anymore.

She was just a play from Sarah board. She won't let herself be use like that anymore. Like a nobody. Staying quiet obediently her whole life. "Shut up...shut example of a father..." She muttered , her father irked more , slapping her face hard.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME??? YOU STUPID CHILD! HOW DARE YOU TALK BAD TO ME?! " He screamed. "What are you doing?! Are you crazy?!" Her mother fought back.

" You shut up woman!" Her father barked. Alice kicked her father in the nuts all of sudden hard. He felt back screaming as they look at her in shock. Her face was full of anger like she wasn't the quiet and obedient girl she used to be. "YOU SHIT! SHUT UP JUST SHIT UP!!!!!!! YOU BEEN BABBLING STUPID SHIT ON YOU'RE MOUTH OR YOU RATHER HAVE IN RIPPED????!!! YOU'RE ARE MORE LIKE A CHILD BAWLING!!!! YOU'RE BEEN PUTTING YOU'RE ANGER ON SOMEONE BECAUSE OF YOU'RE "DADDY ISSUES"! " She mocked him making weird noise, Her father tremble in anger " you- GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT!"

Alice laughed "fine! HA! oh my god! Finally!! I been waiting for this day! Atleast i rather stick at the smell of a dog shit than stink being near you!" She ran up as they're all look stunned. She came back with a full of bag , Her fathee holding her cronch in pain , glaring at her while her mother look at her sadly. Her sister furrowed her eyebrows, giving her the look 'the fuck you're doing?',

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