a harder training. Chp20

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"You should learn here from here....The Holy Magic is in you're hands but you aren't use of using it." The male angel exclaimed , you were trying to focus on the large book that you had to learn.

It was all about what the Saintess can do and can't and what you need to do being near the Saintess. You don't know if you can finish it though....it was a huge ass book with lots of pages and it wasnt all you gotta learn! Being Saintess may be easy but thats what they said anyways. Suprisedly , this is what the other kingdom had been learning. It was old and crusty yet , it is still popular since many people even the royal family hottest topic. And basically, right now.

Unlike its appearance, it have lots of knowledge in this one book. It has it own history as well. This book used to be rare to find before they make a copy of it. It's still rare though, usually at the castle , temple and at a rich library. "Therefore , it be better if you learn about this first. Unfortunately, you're knowledge is lacking so you should start slowly." You nodded at the male.

His emotionless eyes bore at you as you sweatdropped "u-uh well, how do i use these magics?" The male beam, he was waiting for more questions so you can understand more. The angel was clearly into knowledge so much. "Great question. See, you're magic is gifted by the god's whenever they want too. If you ever find a weapon, then i highly recommend to put one of you're power on it so it get more stronger. I think you can mix many powers as possible too." He inform. You tilted you're head in confusion how to put you're very own power on the weapon.

"Said it after me , "open stats" can you do that?" He questioned , you nodded. " Open stats!" A magical blue thing like phone but abit more invisble and floating appears infront of you as you were shock by it. He look aside to you and lean to you abit. Scrolling down on it, he stopped and point at it "Here." You read it ,

‌Holy magic ( Ancient. Gifted by God of destiny, Cintlol.)
-Magic are only for the Saintess. Magic uses to defeat any living creatures.
‌Earth magic (Legendary. Gifted by God of destiny, Cintlol.)
-Nature will listen to you.
‌The great sword of Damocles (Legendary. Gifted by God of Luck and Wealth. Cikdar.)
-A sword that use to have thousands of poweful users.
‌Mind control magic (Legendary. Gifted by God of Greed and Jealousy. Zuzolt. And God of Underworld. Evadus.)
-any living creatures will follow you're command without any deny.
‌Roses Rope control (uncommon. Gifted by God Greed and Jealousy.)
-Usually for Sexual themes.
‌The tale of the gloomy weather. (common. Gifted by God of underworld. Evadus.)
-the first tale existed. Written by The god of underworld himself.
‌ Electric magic (Rare. Gifted by God light. Ulios.)
-Storms came follow by you're emotions.
‌Angelic Healing. (Ancient. Gifted by the God of Luck and wealth.
-A high classic heals.
‌Call of the creatures. (Ancient. Gifted by the God of destiny, Cintlol.)
-Yell loudly and the animals, or anything out there will come to you. Possibly almost the same as Mind control magic.
‌Reading skills. (Rare. Gifted by God of Lies and truth. Llolt.
- You understand more if you use this magic.

'hm?' you were confused. Roses rope control tf now?? And the tale of the gloomy weather????? Is this a fcking joke cause it's like they're not  gods at all. The only one seems mature and give you most useful powers is The god of Destiny and the God of Luck and Wealth. Reading skills are good too. 'thank you!! Now i can understand everything i read!!' you make a praying hand thanking the God of Lies and truth. It was probably most useful for you.You scroll up , as it can no longer scroll.

"This is quite alot. So you have many to learn afterall." He hummed. You felt like you're bout to die right now. How many magics is that...? You gonna learn that for how many years now? "You don't have to worry about time. The god's have stop time themself." Like he could read you're mind , he seal away you're worries.

You had many lessons to do afterall....you were walking alone in the empty hallway. The angels insisted to escort you to the place where you going next but you wanted to be alone....like...wheres my privacy now Dear Gods? This place was huge alright. It can fit thousands of people just in this hallway. And those rock of Michael himself in the middle of the castle where the sun hit, the water falling out generously. Ahh....you never get used to this place.

You look around while walking toward where The male angel had given you where to go next. If it wasnt cause of Reading Skills....then you won't understand shit. " We're done here for now. You should go to the next lessons. Go straight, and then left , go right and left again, you walk straight and you see a huge door that on the 3rd? That is where. I ask some angels to guide you incase you don't get lose." What you remember what he said. That guy....he doesn't act like he respect you at all. At the same time , it felt like he didn't know how....really, is he really the man who love knowledge or just straight up foward?

You're thoughts were cut off when you bump on someone , you bow down out of habit when you usually bow on someone at you're real world. You look up and gasped like you could believe wtf you just saw. What in the mother fuck.

'Who....why...why is there so many HOT SMOKY AND BETTER LOOKING GUY!!?!????? THIS GUY LOOK MMMM BREEDABLE.' you thoughts while admiring his looks. You kind felt like an npc toward him. Unusually, you didn't saw his face....the 'dark' was covering his face. What. Heaven aint dark. Or is it?

A tall guy, much much taller than you, you were at the height of his chest. He look down at you. You blushes , you could see that shirt holding for dear life. 'sir, you're tits look quite heavy.' his strong muscle and his shirt abit lossen up. Like a normal human. So he definitely not a human. All you can see on his upward was that he has tied up , messy white hair making him look more...omg like just wow

You blushes realizing you were staring, you look away "s-sorry..." You mutter and were bout to run and cry out of embrassment but the strong arms of the male grab you. Feeling you're arm about to shrink, you look at him eyes widened and were abit concerned on his really. Inhuman Strong grip....you turn to him and hide you're arm behind, putting on a tight smile while you could feel the pain throbbing.

"Yes-- what do you need?" The male didn't said anything but continued to look down at you. You were starting to get annoyed by him, you furrowed you're eyebrows. 'is this guy joking w me?' huffing , you whip you're head away, knowing that there were more important thing to do than waiting for this gorgeous man answer. Jk "sorry, but i have more important thing to do." You side-eye him abit , hoping that he will atleast answer but he didn't. You grumbled and storm off without taking a second glance at him.

'ugh what's with that guy?! He's lucky hes hot though.' you pout slightly. You slam the door open, there was a certain female tan angel. She look at you happy and kneel, grinning at you're presence. "You're here! I soooooo wanted to meet you! Good to see you!" She had a huge grinned on her face. She was quite a beauty. You sweatdropped. "Oh...! Me too!"

She stand up and bow slightly , she put both her arms on her wrist "well, today , you be doing a physical training!" You frowned. What? Whaata?????? "Isn't that a bit too hard?." You tried to assure her , she laughed taking you're comment as a joke. "you're real funny , Saintess! The Saintess is capable of doing anything in no time!" You sweatdropped by her bluntness. 'its still hard for a Saintess like me..' you thought.

"W-wait! Before we start....i wanted to ask, there's this male i met on my way here....he has a long tied while hair and was pretty tall and buffed! Iam curious who is he?" You tried changing the topic. The tan Angel hummed making it like shes thinking. "White hair...oh! OH! " She came near toward you. "No way! Did he follow you??!?did he? That's why you're aura seems more powerful than before!"

'is this woman saying iam weak?' you confusedly thought , you shook you're head. "Oh my lord! Well if you're curious, theres only one certain i can think off!" You tilted you're head, intrested on what she gonna say.

"Welll.....that was probably Ulios, The god of Light!"she said.


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