Ruined. Chp8

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All you wanted was to get revenge on Sara by humiliated her(killing her would cause u trouble but its more satisfying) and you would be living a peaceful life. You didnt expected that the male leads would be so threat by that. By you.

So much that the crown prince willing to lick his father feet, who had been ignoring him and hated him to cut you're family noble title. That he even got the emperor under his hand by manipulate him thinking you're family tried to harrass the imperial family.

And here you are, infront of you is the emperor himself. "Y/n Vishnu, you are guilty for trying to drug the prince drink at the Prince birthday banquet. It would cause death but...because you're father was a good friend of mine, i will cut you're family noble title. I will be kind and send you a few money." The emperor didn't care about it. He WOULDN'T and SHOULDN'T care but the prince could make this a rumours and his reputation would be ruined.

"W-what?! My child would never think of something like that! The girl LOVE him!" You're father begged while you're sibling seem to lose their soul and you're mother glaring daggers at you.

"Y-yes!! I would never!! " You tried to follow you're father concussion. You weren't really into him cuz he was Sarah dog but you couldn't deny you were attracted by his looks.

The emperor bang his throne causing the whole place to go silent. " Who gives you permission to talk? If i say you're title is gone, it's gone. It was you're own fault for trying to harm one of the imperial family and you have to take the responsibility. Send them away." He shooed you're family with his hand as the guards harshly took you're family hand while you're family still begged to defend themself.

Tf is happening.


A hard slap echoes the room. As you sees you're mother cried angrily at you while you're father tried to calm her down. "THIS IS ALL YOU'RE FAULT!! IF IT WASNT FOR YOU- YOU!!! WE WON'T BE HERE!! A- A COMMONER!! oh my goddness...." She sobbed crying at her husband chest. Of course , you would be like her if you're daughter did this. Maybe even worse. All her hard work gone just by a silly yandere mode by the prince.

Right, you forgot you're place. He was still a prince and you were only a lowly noble, he could still destroy you even if he can't kill you. Damn it.. DAMN ITTT!!!! you wanted to rages so bad right now!! You wanted to punch that ugly face of what shit prince!!! You did what you wanted!! You dont feel guilty at all!! It was Sarah who killed you! You shouldnt give a shit about this family and place! The only thing is important right now is Sarah!

He just had to stick his nose and being a yandere ass bitch!!! You always romance yanderes, not really in real life but here you are! As one of the victims of a yandere and it feel shit!! You could only wish they were dead!! This fucking stupid place!! You couldnt careless about this family title! This wasnt reality-- at--- at all.... couldn't give two shits that you're father was nicer here. You're family was more caring here but...why....?

...why is it that you felt so guilty? Its not you're fault! You didnt even try to poison the prince! He was obviously framing you!! You-- you..' fuck...' you cried miserablely. You were helpless and all of the plans of making Sarah suffer was only a dream. You can't do it. You don't wanna give up!! But-- you just couldnt...she were the person who made this novel! She knew how to get them under her feet....and was obviously more powerful than you...

Youre eyes widened in realization and terror. You're gonna die. YOU'RE GONNA FUCKING DIE. the book said that all the gods won't accept anyone who hurt or won't accept their decision of the saintess. Basically a yandere but WORSE and more crazy...they couldn't give a fuck about this stupid universe and Sarah is the saintess!!! OH GOD! OH GODOHGOD OHGOD OHGODOHGODOHGODDD--!!!! WHAT ABOUT YOU'RE FAMILY? LIANA? ROSSANE? KURADE?????THAT HOT GUY?!!!! OH MY GOD. You completely forgot who she was!! You forgot you're place.

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