Better than them. chp6

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Right after the aftenoon, you were walking at the village. Alot of shops remain and no people recognise you. 1. Cause commoners obviously cant look at the nobles so they dont know how they look like (obviously) and cause you were wearing a black dress. For here , that was what commoners wear. Imagine the 23nd Century fr...

You spot a cafe near and you decided to slack yourself there. Opening the door as it make a bell and the employee greeting you. You went to a small table and ordered a tea, the employee nodded and flee away.

You hummed look outside the window. A few commoners walking around and wooden cart on the street with some childrens and beggars. Cruel..

A man suddenly sat infront of you as he flashes you a sweet smile. "Huh? Who are you? This is my table.." you eyes widened in confusion but important...because of this handsome man face!!! Look like straight from heaven better than that kurade guy!!! He had a black tight shirt and a green coat on that fit him perfectly making him more beautiful than he already is.

" Hm? I just wanted to know you my lady , since i heard about the rumours of youre...sudden change of behaviour.." you're flushed in red when he grinned with his left eyebrow furrowed along with his eye. He had clear skin , long  black hair with dark golden eyes. This is too much for you're heart!!! Everyone here , even the background characters are fine as fuckk!!! And why is this man better looking that all of the male lead?!!??! Just his appearance make all of the male leads look like dog shit.

The people in cafe was also in awe by his beauty, the employee hand you the tea and hid her face when the man glance at her. " Goodbye!" The employee just said it out of nowhere and ran looking like a tomato while you sweatdropped.

"Is that his girlfriend?"

"Wait! Isnt that Lady Y/n Vishnu who was known to be a wicked woman?"

"Seriously? Where did she found such handsome man just by her looks? She doesnt even look that pretty.."

The nobles there gossip you being near the male. You gaze at him , finding him to be glaring at the people who were gossiping you. Like he wanted them dead. No seriously. His face was as clear as the day , scraping his nail to the table making them unpleasant sound and breathing heavily but not to loud. You could see his veins pop out from anger and...his hair seems to be turn a little white and his skins seems get red scars? Was it magic or you're hallucinations?? The hell is this guy?

"Iam sorry my lady. It seems talking here isn't the perfect place. Shall we go somewhere calmer?" His face suddenly turn to a more brighten mood , while he gives you a genuine smile that were full of effections and caring. It's like he didn't was just about to rage. You didn't know what to do but it did sound like he actually wanted to talk to you. Maybe your fan?? Were you that hot at the banquet?? You just nodded you're head.

You were about to pay for fee. " Ahh! No its okay , you can have it for free hehe.. its an honour having a handsome man coming to our store!" The boss of the store blushes looking at the male. To be honest, its look like she was only talking to the guy behind you. Cant blame her since he look so babygirl. Kinda gives malewife vibes.



This handsome guy was a liar fuck.

He said we go to a more calmer place this guy just went to the richest restaurant in this kingdom. Even your family could only go 2 or 3 times there as a  family. This guy was either a high rank noble or the duke lost son. Though they dont look the same cuz of his better looks... But if hes not, then who is he?

"Um...this place is a bit..." You sweatdropped while feeling nervous. The whole place covered in gold and the employee there was with good suit and high quality foods that seems heavily looking at the menu. Dear lord. (Idk how historical eat ok)

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