suspicious. chp13

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" crown prince, what are you doing in a place like this?!" You whispered to him. As he just smirked and laze both his hands on his chin. You both were currently sitting in a table.

"Well, what do u think?" He tilted his head slightly and move his head closer to you as you flustered and move you head up as you furrowed you're eyebrows. The crown prince was sometimes flirty. No wonder the REAL Sarah pick him he know he's fine.

Though, this was the man, the person had make you, you're family miserable. You won't ever trust him well not like you ever did but you had high expectations. Too bad. "You-- what are you planning? Isn't it enough for you to ruin my family?!!" You semi- yelled as you felt you're boiling in anger thinking just what he did. He was a love sick fool.

"I won't waste my times to talk things like that. Listen, i have something to tell you." His face expression gone serious as you were startled by his sudden change of mood but of course, you won't show it. You crossed you're arms and laugh like what he said was a joke.

" Haha! Do u expected me to trust you?" You grinned , mocking him after what he expected YOU to trust him after what he did? You wont but if he lick you're heels clean shine with his own tounge then u might consider. Not like it would happen.

He smiles putting his hand on you're shoulder , tapping it softly while you frowned. " No one would trust someone after they ALMOST ruin their life. They are idiots if they did. Consider yourself lucky that the high rank noble Connor pick you up , a dog like you on the street. He was a good friend of mine." He whispered to you're ear as you glared at him fiercely.

He back away and he lean to the chair. "Anyways, iam not here to talk about that. I have something important to you. Believe me or not- I don't care." He boredly say as you just continue listen to him. Not like you would trust his words but you were curious what he wanted to say after goes all the troubles.

"Sarah, she....well been acting different recently. I don't know- she was kind and beautiful and MUCH MUCH better than you but like she been acting too clingy. Not like that- but i just got the sudden feeling to talk to you about it." He said, as he look very concerned and seem uncomfortable. Of course, the Sara Quaiyly would never be Sarah Aviary. And it was obvious Alexandra would notice that. Sarah may thought Alexandra was a fool but he noticed it right away. He wasn't a Commander of all the soldiers for nothing.

"And..? What do you expect me to do?" You said bluntly , furrowed you're eyebrows while smirking. Hah! This was the man that WAS gonna kill u if it wasn't Azeria got you first. And the Almighty Prince had come ask you for this? Amazing and amusing.

He boredly stare at you, the same stare he had stare at [y/n Vishnu] for her whole life. "It just i had the feeling to tell you. Anyways, i think Sarah is planning something. I don't care if she kills you but i think she gonna go way far than that." He look away with a look of disinterest. You look at him confused. What is happening to this male lead? I mean atleast he is smart noticing something was up. Though, he came to you, the person who he very despite to remind you ? It's not like you didn't knew.

"I thought you despite me and loved her." You're eyea widened slightly, the male lead was getting out of character. You didn't expect him, the main male lead to came to you. You felt like you hit the fucking jackpot. This man was bout to go on you're side, if you only did things right, then surely, but slowly he will go against Sarah. He look at you. " I did. Did you thought i support you? Iam merely worried about my future wife." Said Alexandra with a his eyes full of loath.

You clap you're hand together , looking happy as usual " hahaha! Okok~" you grinned. This was a life time opportunity and Sarah didn't even know this was gonna happen. Though, you can't take you're guard down just now, it might be a trap so you need to see his worthy first. Then , you sees a bunch of soldier roaming around the crowd outside, they were the imperial soldier. You saw at the corner of you're eyes, Alexandra groaned in annoyed and stand up while gazing at you.

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