The Chp16

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You layin you're bed in an unusually way. You sigh for the thousand's times thinking what the fuck just happen yesteday. Conno- i mean Llolt basically just shooedd the house and gave it to you. The house is in you're name- not you're father but yours. Though you didn't met him since then. It that a good or bad thing?? You don't know but you're scared and nervous to meet him again more likely, not cause he's a god well actually yeah that's most of it but it's cause he probably read you're mind all along. really gonna die out of embrassment if you met him again. The shocking news was why and how tf were you the Saintess?????? How were you picked again? Anyways WHO TF CARES?????!!!! IT WAS GOOD FUCKING NEWS!!!! i mean like imagine the people who been talking shit about you and then suddenly apologize to you. Tbh it's kinda scary at the same time after the crowds died at the same times. It shivers you just to think about that sceme again.

....Selina,....she also died. You actually bawled you're eyes out and felt fucking guilty even though you didn't know her well, she was a good friend.( And a mommy)..... Well actually it's more like you would felt guilty but yk what Michael said when you cried about it? " Our dear Saintess hasn't notice at all that the woman was using you. She followed Sarah Aviary steps because her family was in danger. Though, that won't explain anything of trying to harm the Saintess. The humans death wasn't worthy of your tears."  Ok but he has a point though but likeeee..... don't say that with that handsome face fr.....????

Though, you were uses of people using you so you could only felt a tiny little guilty. Now that you think bout it, you haven't met Rossane for a while. Wonder how she act when she heard the news. Rumours does goes fast and guess what? It was only yesterday but it was already all over the news that you can't go out with people pray for you for blessing or forgiveness. It was too much for you with even if u step one foot outside , thousands of people came

Though, you're family reaction was also interesting but annoying and confusing.

"OH MY GODDD!!! JS THIS A DREAM?? TELL ME IT ISNT! MY DEAR DAUGHTER IS THE SAINTESS!!!!!!" you're mother scream and cried with joy as she jump at her husband arms. Though you're dad look muchh much happier than her. Not because you were the Saintess but because now, none could talk shit bout you now. " I KNEW SHE WAS THE ANGELL HAHAHAHAHAHHA!!" you're father spin her wife around with him aith happiness overflow him.

You're sibling came up to you while looking nervously, rubbing their head while you stare at the! bluntly, giving them you're resting bitch face making them think you were mad or smug. " Umm....well, yeah....sorry for talking bad about you and hitting you. I just- don't wanna die alright???" They look away while feeling flustered and guilt. Whst the fuck. What the fuckwhat the fuckwhatfuck. This was more shocking than when you found out you were the god's babygirl...

Is this a dream come true? A thousand people compliment , and you're sibling apologizing to you could make you're ego bigger. But hey, being a Saintess ain't so bad if you can hear this for em. You never thought, in you're entire times of living that they would apologize to you. Oh wait. But then again, There much be something they want if they hold a tone like that. You continuing stare at him like a face " the fuck u want"

They huffed and puffed. " OK! Fine! Like... Since you're the god's favourites now , maybeee.... You could ask Cikdar to give me trillions of coins? Please? PLEASEE???????? But like!!!! My apology was sincere okay?????!!!" they begged as they gave you that puppy eyes that make em uglier. You smugglly cross you're arms, ahile tilting you're head like you were confused. "Really? You really mean it?"

" Of course!! I never lie!! " Giving you that old smiling face while you look at him, furrowing you're eyebrows " LIES." You yelled as they face turn miserable " WHA-

anyways you didn't get to go anywhere. Literally, there were people around the mansion . Llolt left you here dealing w this shit....You decided to go around the house since it was pretty big. You got up from you're bed and got out of you're room. Therefore, even though there were no people praying you and shit outside of the mansion, The people who work here had currently pray and wash every floor you step on and you know what? They currently planning to make you're room more lavish than it seems. Seems like Llolt had order them all to do that or more like threatened them.

You sweatdropped as you saw everyone kneeling down at you everytime you walk. What the fuck is happening this is worse than you got you're first period huuuhhh....They can't talk or even think of it to say shit about you. The god's had control them and could took away their life if they wanted too, Cursing the Saintess is a sin that can't be forgiven. They were afraid and fear , not you but the possessive god's. They obviously favourites the Saintess and down bad for you. It won't be a bad thing as long as there's no troubles...

You got down the stairs, making a twist and the maid's startled at you're presence. The maid who anger 'Connor' but what's more unexpected was that it was the God of lies and truth himself. The maid had been shaking and fear for her life for making her very own god angered. It was a threaten situation and she only have ever gotten lucky because you forgiven her. He let her live by you're order but never had you said to let her live in peace. Fortunately, you didn't know any of this. Why would you? You were so fet up by being the Saintess not knowing the God's were particularly obsessed, admired and love you...

The novel had told that the God's were obsessed with the Saintess but the novel said that the Saintess was Sarah so you didn't think bout didn't came across you're mind at all.  You raised you're hand it attempt not to suddenly kneel as she were about to. You recognise her immediately.

"Saintess, there a ne-" she was cut off when the front door slammed open as there were Rossane storming in. Val went down, thinking that people had broke in cause it was hard for them too to go outside with you- their sibling is the Saintess. Can't even go out in a walk tskk.....

Rossane grinned as she suddenly start to laughed. Oh no, what did the god's do to her? "BAHAHAAHAHAHA HOHOHO!! I KNEW IT! MY LADY Y/N IS THE BEST OF THEM ALL!!! YOU OUTSHINE THE WHOLE UNIVERSE!!!!!! AH- waittt! I shall call you My dear Saintess from now on!!" She pointed a finger at you happily as you look at her confused and sweatdropped. Rossane is childish but now, she just got more childish than she used to be....her ego gotten bigger when the rumours react her ears.

"Hey, who tf are you?  Get out , I can't give you a photograph right now." They shooed her sith her hand as Rossane look at them in a weird way. " What? Who said i want yours? You fugly." She sighed leaving you're sibling stone, She went back to her happy expression as she ran to you and grab you're arm , dragging you out of nowhere.

Before she could step upstair, the door slammed open. You swing you're head as you were shocked and surprised seeing the person infront. That was the same goes for Val and Rossane who was uncomfortable seeing the man. Well more likely the god himself came in.

"Michael-- THE STRONGEST ARCHANGEL OF ALL?!!??!??!" Val screamed the top of their lung.

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