Tired. Chp11

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You hummed , you were sitting on a chair , in the library, there were bunch of books that had every single genre. You were reading an old book cause you were very boring.

You could hear a steps coming toward you're way. Seeing behind the shelter, there aas a lost child in the way. The child look fragile and scared. You walk toward him as he notice you're presence "little kid- what are you doing here?"  You get down to his level as he cried more. " I can't find my mom....she said to stay here but I can't found her...." You pat his head.

" You- how about reading a book with me?" You grinned while you didn't knew what to do the child nodded. Luckily, he loves books. You got up and hold his hand " what's you're name?" You look down at him as he seems hesitate ".... Johnny Gewah."

" Alright then Johnny, sit here." You creek a chair for him as you sat beside his chair. He put his hand on the top of the chair and jump as he finally sat there. You hummed as you open the first page to the old book you were reading.

"Let's see, how about how this kingdom shine?" You smiles while he open his mouth widened with excitement "yes! Mom told me to always grow smart!" You sweatdrop. Sound like you're mother.

" Well, there was an emperor, who were knew as Mel Warriya Quaolia who were known as the rotten emperor. This place were uses to surrounded by greed like the people themself. They willing to send their child for money." You paused.

" That's terrible!" Johnny remark as he gasp .

" That's right, but there's one person, a child who seemingly far more mature than them. Alexandra Mel Warriya, he hates the kingdom. It shows that the kingdom was pathetic and even there was a battle coming, they instead of fighting back, they rather uses their money to avoid it. And so, Alexandra tried to remark this to everyone but none listen to him and that's when his father both physical and mentally abuse him. The boy was angry everyday, and the days turn week, months and years until he turn 15 year's old.," Yes, you were talking to the child about the Prince backstory.

" Hm? Isn't that name Prince Alexandra?" He question

You grinned widened as you put a finger on his mouth " it's a secret between you and me. "

"A secret..." He paused. " Of course! My mouth is officially zip! I won't even tell the god's when they force me too!!"  He yelled happily. That's too much alright. Don't do this by the way.

"Hahaha okay. Let's continue, after he became strong, stronger than anyone, he began to take control of the soldiers and became the leader. He train them strictly for the kingdom, not to be protected but to shine it's own glory. So then , There was a battle provides by the enemy kingdom and they thought our kingdom was weak." You scoffed

"Whaaat??!? It's not our kingdom! Its the emperor ways of doing things!!" Johnny hummed while you smiles seeing someone agree that the emperor was SHIT.

" Thats right and so, the kingdom had their first victory and they won every battles they go through so now the emperor can't do anything to the prince because he was a suitable heir and the society obviously won't like that. Now thats, how the kingdom still shine till this day Thanks to our prince." You smiles thinking about the male lead who were known as cruel but risk his own life to save the who kingdom and his sense of passion.

"Yay!! The prince save the day!!" Johnny cheer the prince who were known as the Kingdom hero. You smiles widened. You heard a creek to the shelter seeing Connor was leaning to the book place. You eyes widened while Johnny just tilted his head in confusion.

"Sorry for interrupted you're conversation, you just seem to enjoy with each other very much i couldn't interrupted the lovely moment."  Connor remark as you flustered. A maid came pass the noble as she look panic and didn't make eye contact. She resemble the child.

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