please save me.. chp21

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(before the god's stop the time)

"tell me , where is she? Y/n Vishnu ?Or you die." Xaxier glares at them, putting out a dark aura. Kurade grumble and felt anger by him and so were Liana and Rossane. "How should we know? Even so, even if we had her- we still wont give her to you!" Kurade argue back.

"Yea that's right! I stay loyal to lady- i mean, the Saintess!" Liana yelled, agreeing with him. The guard start to whip them countless times , they yelled in pain feeling their body to tighten. Xaxier gave a sign to stop as they stop whiping them hard, their body was all ugly blood and Rossane and Liana lossen and fell unconscious. They couldn't stand the hard rope that already usen to whip by other guilty prisoners. Kurade glare at him , he caught up blood.

",....i---" he coughed loudly and put his hand on the floor with all of the floor full of blood, goresomes scenes. "Will never--- give.....up on her.." He weakly said, remembering how you were The Saintess but still hangout with him. A mere commoner. Someone unworthy being next to you.

As soon as he find out you were The Saintess when the rumours spread, he was shock and somehow felt unbearable sadness. Because you were a Saintesss, he was a commoner. He was unworthy and even if you werent, you were a noble afterall. He wasn't even a choice. He never was. Atleast you still consider him as a friend and thats fine right..? Thats okay. Thats already a title that is very important. Thats fine. Its fine. It's alright.

"If thats what you want... Rossane Saynila, Kurade Ryaine, Liana Ryaine. You will, be sentenced to death." He turn away, not giving two shits and walk out. Every guard walked out and close the strong cage door making a loud sound leaving the three alone in the dark and old cage.

Xaxier gracefully walk through the castle hall. The walls was only full of gold and the place was big as ever with guard walking along with him. The crown prince came in sight at the huge throne at the middle of the palace with red mat on the floor. He frowned seeing Sarah was on his lap , they both clinging together. Xaxier didn't like that.

He quickly bow infront of them. "I greet the Crown Prince , The sun of the empire. I have news." He budged in to their conversation. Sarah look at him, she look so innocent and angelic, Xaxier blush when she smile at him. Alexandra grumble, noticing that, he made Sarah look away making Xaxier frowned more.

Sarah head was hide at his shoulder, Alexandra look down at him. " may rise." Xaxier stand up and look at him when his eyes was full of menace. It didn't seems like he respect the prince and Alexandra knew that. They're both determined on having their hands on Sarah.... "We can't find informations from the friends of y/n Vishnu and so are her family. We can't find anything." He speak up.

"What? So you're telling me this is just a waste of time?! are you serious?!!" Alexandra roared, Sarah 'cried' with his scary form. Alexandra and Xaxier look at her in shock and concern. "Ahh... don't cry. I didn't mean you..." He dry her tears away as Sarah sniffed. Xaxier gritted his teeth and glares at him. That was supposed to be him. Him with Sarah.

"I- i think i might know where she is!" Sarah yelled up, look adorable by their sight. There was only one place for the Saintess and that is The temple. They definitely know something... Alexandra and Xaxier didn't care....they were only focus by her so pretty act of service. Though she heard Sarah and that won't go away. Her?? The Saintess? Thats a lots of bullshit! Sarah was much more kinder , gentler and much more... Prettier! She was worthy of having the title 'Saintess' who known to be the most holy creature.

" The temple...since people know her as The Saintess -- then maybe she's there..?" She tilted her head looking cute. Red hues crawl to their faces while Xaxier stuttered feeling shy and Alexandra smirking , looking at her with lust. Xaxier coughed "then." He look up to not shows his expression, Alexandra look at him. " I be arranged guards to go to the Temple by tommorow morning." He said. Alexandra deep red eyes stare at him.

"I be going too. You are dismissed." Xaxier was didn't expect him to joining them but he nonetheless, didn't say anything ir more like he didn't have permission too. He walked away leaving these two alone.

Val was so angry. They were always were. Why doesn't you were saving them? You're family? Where were you? Did you forget about them?! The power might have gotten into you're head. Val began to have their doubt. There was you're parents beside them whispering in pain from the torture they just witness. They knew!!! They know who took you but why wouldn't they say it?! Are you that special?! Well yeah you technically the Saintess.

Anyhow-- why are they getting in you're mess?! What is even happening?! As much as they hate you putting you're mess on them- they hate how the world are so fucking naive and no brains. Just shits. Brains with full of shits and lots of lies!!! Sarah obviously done something to them! The prince, the mage, the high swordman! The whole damn empire! All of them!!! I mean- who else would!???Sarahwasobviouslyjealouscaussherassisntactuallythesaintess. People said she's the Saintess before the archangel announces you were the Saintess. That's one obvious reason!!!! Val feel themself to boil in anger everytime he think about you. ESPECIALLY SARAH! UGH!!! They felt sick...and disgusted! Their sadness turn into burning anger.

Serena was guilty of what happen.

Sarah, she's completely a sicko. And she doesn't even know why. Theres obviously a reason....or she just hate them. A full born villainess... She manipulate the whole world that she was the Saintess. It was taking things too far and out of hands. She's overpowering everyone including the empire....she wanted to beg for forgiveness. There's a possibility that you forgive her but would the gods? Would they? Well theres no way. She touch the Saintess with harming intention just to save her family that she love so much.

There's only one way to survive is to get you're favor but really-- can she really?! After what she done? what if...BECAUSE OF WHAT SHE DONE SHE GOES TO THE UNDERWORLD?!?!??! The underworld is like hell. But people usually call it 'the underworld' because its actually UNDER world i mean obviously. So it's like when you got suck by the earth- you actually go to the underworld. She doesn't want that. No one i mean NONE WANNA GO TO THE UNDERWORLD. People would say that just to look cool but when that actually happen... it's a place only for savages to suffer. Theres not a place where there no gores at the underworld. It's something worse than death. Getting the Saintess favor is one wishful thing. It's a hard mission.

Not because of the Saintess- but because the god's are always side to side- seeing what you want, you're intentions, they are always watching. You want the Saintess favor? Go for it. Just make sure you actually mean it. Make sure there's no 0.01% that you want to use her. That aswell just gonna make you're whole life in miserable. She can't be sure yet. No one knows no one. Their true intentions or what they want. They have to find it out themself. And surely, Serena wanted to gain the Saintess favor so only she won't die, leaving her family behind....what she want...if you want something, you need to give something in return. If she wanted the Saintess favor to not die then she have to give her family soul in return. Unless the Saintess is kind enough to prevent that from happening- of course the gods would listen to her....but yk what they say-- i let you live but live in miserable.. though that is the best option!

That's ACTUALLY writen on the tale of the gloomy weather. A book written by The god of the underworld Evadus himself....the title seems childish but it's full of knowledge if you understand it. An important book that is hardly find. Can't even make a copy because it was seal in underworld magic. She was in a tight situation, and with the god's on her way make things harder. All she can do for now is to pretend to play inside Sarah board.

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