a full chaos. Chp25

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So on this day is where y/n said 'this time ima kill sarah.' but died instead. Jkjkkkk

You're eyes widened , the magic became bigger and bigger...the magic has start to make it way toward you. You close you're eyes, not wanting to see the horror. ....'fck...iam gonna die...' you bit you're lips. You can't think of anything right now. You were so damn useless. You cant do anything. You want to save you're family and friends and it end like this. "Fuck" you muttered. Instead of feeling unbearable pain , you didn't felt anything. You tremblely open you're eyes -confused.

"...Michael...?" You call out for him. All of the armys and everyone was stunned. Michael glares to Sarah who back away and flinched. Despite with his blindfold, she can sense his murderous aura. Sarah let out a sigh of relief where other arch angels were there either. Along with Zack and Lavina. Lavina wave at you happily , Zack nudged her to stay focus.

"... unbelievable. To think you go far by attacking the Saintess and anger the god's. Do you know what you just got yourself into?" Michael loud and strong voice speak. Sarah tremble by his voice.

"Hey! Hey! Now. Don't be so harsh to them yeah?" You beside you to see a charming beautiful man beside you appears out of nowhere. "They're just bunch of ants afterall." You couldn't stop staring at the male as he obviously mocking them.

'oh my god..its Zuzolt...wait. ITS ZUZOLT!!!-"' you thought shrinking away from him. He winked at you "why you run? I like it when you checking me out."  He flirted , your redden by his sudden comment. Everyone in the armys muttered among themself. Who was this handsome man? Where did he came from? If he was THAT handsome, they should known him. Alexandra analyzing the male, looking at him suspiciously. (Zuzolt on his human form- the stone on the temple only have his normal form)

"What? Who's that?"

"Fuck he's hotter than me."

"He look familiar doesnt he?"

Alexandra came in sudden realising- recognise the male... HIS god.. He flinched feeling Zuzolt gaze on his pathetic form. Even though...even though he was continuely teasing with you ignoring them all- there was something in this god.  Even though he said that- he could sense his anger. More angrier than anyone and the archangels clearly knows that too. They felt suffocated by that. Michael was sweating on his neck with all other archangels kneeling to them without moving or saying anything including Alice. They knew the moment he came that he was pissed.

Zuzolt grinned viciously gazing at them all when none of them could move at all. " I think you guys don't understand. Especially you." Zuzolt eyes looking up and down at Sarah as if looking down on her. Sarah tremble uncontrollably and bit her lips. " I told you, didn't i? Not to touch whats mine." Zuzolt voice boomed the whole crushed temple. "Whos yours-

Zuzolt ignores you're comment as he freely released his wrath. They're all were being pull by the earth itself. With loud grunteds by all of the armys and Sarah dug her nails to the floor , gritting her teeth. You were shocked when you were glowing lightly. This is awkward. Reallyyy awkward n what the fuck..


You whipped you're head and you're eyes widened in horror , a disgusting feelings on you're stomach as it kept going....all of the army's head explode one by one , Alexandra and the other male leads look side to side, shocked and fear. 'iam gonna die...iam gonnadie.eee.....ARGH..fuck fuck fuck fuckk...'  Sarah tremble and breathing heavily when no air coming to her... All of the humans having a hard time breathing... Michael didnt said anything, the loud sound ringing to his ears, the gores in scene and lifeblood spreading like a virus. Zuzolt was laughing , holding his stomach everytime the head blown like he was watching a very funny video.

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