Shopping. Chp3

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" the saintess~"

" You became someone that is the gods most valuable property, do you know the consequence if you try to even think you're not?" The voice whispered.

"You're in reaaaaall danger now! The gods are watching you, just give yourself to them so we have no problems at all. Not like you have any choice either! Nyahahahha!!!" The other voice laughed at you're pathetic state. There were voice roaming in you're head saying you were...the saintess?

" No, iam not! Sarah Aviary is the saintess!!" You screamed , the pain on you're head became unbearable. No one could hear you outside. You were on you're own head. You were helpless, you grab you're head and shook it.

" think that stupid woman worthy on being the saintess? You can't denial it! The moment you were birth in this world,  you already the gods belonging! JUST SHUT UP AND ADMIT IT IDIOT!!" the voice screamed making you're head ring

"AARRGHH-!!!" You woke up in the Vishnu mansion. Sensing the familiar place , you calm down a bit. You felt something wet under you so you grab the blanket.

" Shit."


" My lady , where is the blanket gone too...and why is the bed abit wet?" Liana , you're private maid sweatdrop the blanket was gone in middle of the morning.

" Ahh.. i wash it so you won't trouble yourself." You smile at her , she brighten seeing you're better mood. You were always really rude to people to she glad you think of the better way . Oh what could her reaction be if she knows you wet yourself became of a nightmare? That you splashed water  and use most of the soap to hide it from smelling so that not even the people with good nose notice? You even went to trouble showering and dress yourself in the dawn so she wouldnt notice AT ALL?

"Ahh...right , my lady , the lord have a meeting with the family. He wish for you to come too.." Liana exclaimed, you put you're hand on you're chin. Right , this [Y/n Vishnu] have no information of her backstory at all so you don't know how the parents personality but their parents probably care for her alot since last scene of her death, the parents cried really hard and it went ugly ( unlike you're actual parent sara be thinking you got good parents frr atleast she make you're parents care for you in this universe)

You nodded " lead the way." Liana nodded and walk with you at the hall. Maids and butlers greet you but still with their head bowing. You weren't uses to this but it still feed you're ego.

There were two guards to a big door as they notice you're presence and bow to you, opening the large door for you as you saw a sight of a family that look exactly like you're original but more richer! Their names was different though

"Ahh~ My child , sit here!" You're dad , tap a chair which were next to his. You sweatdrop, you didnt wanted to but he was so happy to see you so you couldnt really deny. You sat on you're chair. The whole family was in sight of the room

"Its been a long time since we have a family meeting right?~"  you're dad claimed.

"whats this meeting for?" You're sibling said( if u dont have any just pretend you do) " ahh, right, i have something to say but why don't we enjoy a good tea first!"

You nodded and grab the tea, well tried too. The water was close to slip and you didn't wanted it to fell off cuz you're hand was slippy as hell so you grab the small plate under it to grab it and took a sip only to burst out tea to you're sibling.

"THE FUCKKKK?!!" You're sibling yelled in anger and process to grab you're hair while you were coughing shitless.  Shit that was the hotest tea i ever taste...

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