Unexpected visit. Chp17

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the angel glows as Rossane and Val weaken by his sudden visit.

"The great Saintess of all, I apologize for the sudden visit. I have come to delivery a message for you." The deep husken voice send shivers down you're spine. You nervously laugh awkwardly, rubbing the back of you're head. "Ah-ahaha...what is itt??"

He glance at Rossane and Val making them flinched. Before that, you two mortals. This is only directly message for the Saintess. I suggest you not to bother her or you suffer a punishment worst than death." He glare at them , cold. They make no thoughts and flew. "Y/NNNN I WISH YOU WELLLL!!!!!"

"That little..." You could feel you're blood pressure to grow. Michael furrowed his eyebrows "It seems that the mortal had anger you. Calling the Saintess name lightly is a heavy sin. But since he is  the Saintess...'sibling' that he could go off for now.". He blunty remark as you sweatdropped.

You shook you're head "a-anyways...what did you wanna talk bout?" You change the subject, Michael look at you . " You must go to the Temple. They surely heard the news. It's is so you can learn more about being the Saintess. I know you are still not use to it.", He state, 'hell nah....am i goin to study church thing now????....' you deadpalm.

"Don't worry , the place is where you can learn a little thing. Even if you don't want to. I can't or either the Humans force you. It is the Saintess 'home' after all." You started to felt guilty, the Temple was created to worship god's since The Saintess was the leader of the believer. And it kinda felt like you were being ungrateful or something. You nodded "I will go.." you spoke.

Michael smile , " of course , now shall w-". You cut him off " but may i see my family ever again.??..."

"The Saintess wishes are everything that even the god's don't have the guts to refuse . If you wish for anything , you may ask me or The god's. Now , shall we get going?," He hold out his hand as you nodded and hold his hand. You teleport in a flash as you felt weird in the stomach, holding it. Michael pat you're back " very sorry. You may get dizzy because of teleportation...you get use to it soon enough." He pat you' comfortablely. Everyone instantly notice you as they bow to their knees.

"The- the Saintess!! Oh my lord!" They called out and prayed. You froze instantly. What the fuck? Shit it felt like you were a God yourself.

Michael walk foward , you follow him and look at people worriedly. This is too much....you would get ego atleast for compliments but this?!! It was insane! There were a Nun, a bit more different than any other Nun came and kneel. "Oh the dear Saintess and The Almighty Archangel, what is it that you want from the Temple?" She spoke intelligently.

" The god's have order The temple to teach The Saintess. I suggest you to dont frustrated and tire her as you wish."  He said in a cold tone. The nun look up slightly, you gasp at her beauty. "Of course , how could i ever wish to do so? I will order this to my other believers." She look at you as her bright red eyes glows. " My dear Saintess , please follow me." You nodded, still feeling flustered.

Michael only watch you're leaving form, and after you were gone , he dissapeared out of nowhere. You followed the Nun where she was going. "Um so like where are we going?" You played with you're fingers and pout abit. "We are going to the Saintess place to stay. My name is Alice. Iam the highest Nun here and was the longest stayed here. You may ask me for anything."

'longestt...??' you thought confuse but didn't questioned...her name also kinda familiar..Just after a few minutes of walking because the Temple is huge, there came in Sight of a room , all full red and a huge window , with beautiful curves. You gasp. Holy shit. How much money did they spend on this???????

You sat on the bed , feeling it comfort. The nun stand there and bow slightly. "I have always wanted to meet you and iam glad. I wish you enjoy you're time here. If something ever bothers you, please report to me. Well then,i have to go now.,. Please excuse me." Alice left and slammed the door.

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