confused. chp26

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You blinked. When you open you're eyes, The corpses was nowhere to be found. You glance at Zuzolt who was still here and you knew, he was the culprit. You gulped , swallowing you're feeling disgusted and fear silently. He swift his head to you, looking at you with a blank face. "Leave." With a short and simple demand from him, The arncangel dissapears so did you're family and friends.

"Where's did they go?". you're eyes widened when they're dissapears in a blink. "Dont know. But definitely somewhere safe." He grins, walking his way toward you.

"So... What to do now?" You sweatdropped when he suddenly got near you. You blushes when he suddenly grab you're wrist, softly.

He bring his lips to the back of you're hand, "anywhere you wanna go. I will make it possible my dear." He winked at you.

"The Saintess is here!"

"Who is that hottie.."

"We greet the Saintess!"

"The human realm really curropted now. What is this trashy place?" He furrowed his eyebrows. You and him were walking to the street. The commoners was peeking at Zuzolt seductively while bowing to you., not knowing who he was. 'well it use to be worse anyways.' he thought and whistle. He could feel all of these mortals jealously toward you. It was pathetic. He wanted more fun here so he grab you're waist and make contact his head with yours. Rubbing his cheek to yours you redden with the sudden impact. You froze out of embrassment i mean! It was literally in the public!

He purred and his lips curled to a sadistic smile. THEY should be jealous of you.... perhaps the male was more into you than he thought. Roses hues brush to your cheeks to your neck as you froze. Your mind went blank. Literally - the whole attentions went to you. You look down on the floor in embrassment, the day couldnt get any worse. He smug in satisfaction. You felt tickle when his long hair gotten on you and you were very VERYYY uncomfortable. Of course, you lose your memories but still childhood friend with him n your the Saintess blah blah blah but like you say, you LOSE your memories. And you barely remember anything.

You slap his hand, not too harsh. Even though he into you or something --- theres nothing said that he wouldn't harm you would he? Hes the worst god of all. He stare at you , his eyes furrowed in puzzled which you avoided his gaze. "Sorryyy.... We're in public." He bore his eyes into you as he pouted. "So what. They're just stupid humans." The crowd was suprised and shock by his loud , deep yet husky voice. Oh how could a word from him be so powerful? He lean into you "you want me to kill them?" Your eyes quickly widened as you shook your head in denial. You stumbled back while still being taken back from what he said "noo..! No! Dont! " You shook your hands in the air. He whistles and nodded his head, his gaze current on the street around.

"Erm.. yeah- yeah lets just go like right now!" You grab his arm, he watch as you struggles trying to pull him , he didnt even budge. "Move!" You demanded in a low voice, he smirk and snickers slightly. Although he did move, he followed where you were leading him while you grasp his hand. He pop his mouth. "Where are we going?" He asked, his eyebrows slightly curled. His gaze focus on your form . "Somewhere that is not here." You shot back. Currently walking through the street, you pull his arm - he didn't do anything about it as he followed you.

'the Saintess... Why is she even with that guy?'

'she look so poofy compare to that handsome male...'

He irked, feeling chilly hearing the gossips on their mind. The Saintess may not care or notice about how absurd the street think of her, but he definitely won't tolerate such actions. The place covered in dark tension so suddenly, the atmosphere change by the god silent rage, none would notice it-  but there's conciliation over it. You notice Zuzolt slyly covered your hand with his, his palm kissing your knuckles. And so very much many notice how the sky turn dark, grey colour furrow and rain dropped in every second. The crook of your mouth twitched. "Oh.." you look everywhere to find a shelter, moving there and that as usual but Zuzolt stopped, he use his grip to stop you down. Your back facing his front.

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