Out of nowhere. Chp15

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(ayayayaya i have exam tommorow so i might not post tommorow till friday please forgive me🙏 i give 3 chapters in return Please wish me luck yall.)

Everyone feel on their knees because of the overwhelmed mana , but you didn't -- you could feel the overwhelmed mana coming out from the male beside you. There were screams as you could see blood everywhere with most people  body explode because they couldn't handle it. You feel pale seeing the were corpses everywhere. Of course the cast didn't die but they were absolutely felt it too and one of the male leads already caugh out blood or either passed out.

Suddenly - there were bright light infront of you as you recognise what was happening. No---- it was too early..... you were about to die. You tremble uncontrollably feeling a powerful archangel approaching. But somehow-- just---- it felt like Connor mana was much-- much more powerful but you didn't felt pain instead - you felt light as usual as you apparently glowing and the pain on you're leg dissapeared. There were came an angelic person who were known an "Michael." The main archangel that were favourite by the God's. His sharp chin with his eyes covered to prevend anyone to blow up by his mana.

Connor kick him making him crash to a wall. You look at him in more horror like he was fucking INSANE. This is too fucking much. What the fuck were he doing????????? What is happening? Why are you here?? Did the male just kick a powerful archangel Michael himself? Aint no way.

You grab him harshly - it wasnt time to think about his good looks or the novel- THIS WAS FUCKING CRAZY AND THIS GUY IS SIGNING FOR YOURS AND THE PEOPLE HERE DEATH. You stopped you're movement seeing his expression who look like a madman. What is happening to this guy. Michael didn't say anything but bow to Connor infront of you.

Huhuhihuh...huhhuuhhhhh????huuuuuuhhhhhh what the heeeeeeellllll????What is happening. You deadpalm (🧍). The man raged at Michael, with his form start to show and every single person felt their body to tighten feeling his wrath. "ΕΣΥ- ΠΟΥ ΗΣΟΥΝ ΟΤΑΝ ΠΟΝΑΕΙ Η ΑΓΙΑ;;! ΓΙΑΤΙ ΑΡΓΗΣΕΣ??!  ;;;;;; " His voice boomed but this time, you didn't understand what he said even though it was greek. Of course - you never learn it but when u transfer to this world, you understood it so it was reallyyyyyy weird.

The angel body and face crashed, melting while it slowly trying to regenerate. Despite being in harsh, swallow pain, he still kneel to the man infront of him making you more confused. " Iam sorry, My lord for i, have made a grave mistake making the Saintess life in danger. Even so, The god of destiny told me to give this message to you to come back to them."  Michael didn't dare to face the person infront of him who were , the god of lies and truth himself. He feared looking at him and anger him. Many peoples could have shattered to bones after feeling a tip of his pain that the god had caused. για τι μαλακίες λες τότε τι να κάνω ν Αγία ;;;;"  Llolt snarled back as he glares at Michael making him shivers

" My priests will handle this , i beg of you to turn back to "the place" before i be punished. " He begged desperately continue kneeling down to the god. Llolt frowned more but sighed. He bop his head you as you flinch. Oh sht. So u were basically fucking simping for a God??? This felt so impossible yet, it was basically reality itself. You gulped anxiously and didn't know what to do. Llolt notice you were shaken as he didn't give off a murderous aura anymore. The place stop to shake as everyone could finally inhale and were sweating. Michael body shape went back to it own design yet he didn't move and so were the others.

He grab you softly and took you're hand , kissing the back of it while his face change to a caring expression like he didn't try to beat up one of the most powerful yet loyal archangel ever. He kneel down as you back away, he tap the place of the roots as you're leg feels more stronger. He walk away before leaving a reply to you " we meet again sooner, My dear." And just like that- he dissapeared leaving you with a confusing messaging.


The priest start to capture every single people there, tidying them up with their magic so they couldn't move at all, The archangel walked toward you, " you must be confused of what is happening, Dear Saintess. I will be likely explain it to you. The identity of ' Connor' was actually the God of lies and truth himself who were ordered by the God of destiny to kept an eye on you." He explained, holding his hand , waiting for you patiently to gave him your hand as you basically processing what the fuck is he talking about .

"Whaaaaattt?????? Who said iam the Saintess?? Isn't it ,-- Sarah Aviary-----??" The archangel could only chuckles by you're question.  " Did you think that fool would be the Saintess? It's laughable to even think about it.".  He smiles at you , even though with his eyes hidden- he still look handsome except, it made him look moreee handsome. It was exactly as the dream said that basically. Though, you didn't believe it as it were like impossible i mean-- what the hell were you even good at? You were only a normal human like everyone, with mental issues, low braincell etc etc etc... So you didn't get it how could you be worthy of such title? You weren't even the prettiest. Sarah was obviously better looking than you. Speaking of her....

The look to the whole place, looking around seeing that Sarah and his dog prince was nowhere to be found. " That human must have flew. What's more pathetic was that he abadoned some of the people that cared mostly for her. Pity.." Michael sighed as you bop you're head seeing Azeria and another male lead was captured. What the fuck.... Sarah basically abadon them for her own goods..

" Don't worry. Those insect won't live long anyways." Michael said with no remorse as he went foward seeing all of the nobles begging him to let them go or either forgive them. Only the one who were left alone was you're family who were behind the corner which you couldn't see their faces from afar.

All of the priest start to suddenly pray- muttering around the whole crowd. It was creepy asf like they were chanting a spell for someone like you from the 23nd century. "What the fuck...." You muttered in horror. Michael pull out a finger, and the who place filled with magic , there, people head either exploded. Michael face stay a stoic expression as you tremble in fear. There was blood got into you as you could felt you're eyes start to water. What is happening? The only thing you wanted was to make Sarah pay for what she did but this was too unexpected and it was way to goresome for you. You throw up at the corner in disgusted as Michael rubber you're back comfortablely but it didn't calm you down at all.

This shouldn't have happen. This was fake.... but can you say it's fake when he- the archangel who were comforting you were the proof himself? You're not that delusional but it was simply impossible. The only thing you could right now is to play along for now.


There was Sarah gasping for air as the prince himself was beside her. She raged and cursed it her mind. 'THIS WASN'T SUPPOSE TO HAPPENN!!!!!! IT WASN'T GOING THE SAME AS THE STORYLINE!! THAT BITCH Y/N RUINED EVERYTHING AGAIN!'she cried in anger though, the male leads thought it was because of sadness and agony. And so, her act had turn one of the male lead against her.

" If you didn't put the act, then this wouldn't had happen! Why did you left the others behind???!" Charlie Wardlow yelled at her in anger making Sarah gasp more. The male leads was turning against her. They would usually defend her in a time like this but they kept quiet knowing what Charlie said was a fact.

She look at Alexandra, as she sees that the man did not say anything but look down as he ignore her desperate look. She could feel her inside to boil more. It was getting her obsession much much more dangerous and she couldn't accept the fact that her very first love, wasn't his. She could feel her pride to crumble down as the all handsome , shiny male leads were looking down at her making her felt like she was the pawn herself. No. She's not and will never be. She were only loyal to Cinlotl.

Magic and mana started to flow around her as everyone back away from her as she released her power. Therefore - they could escape the Sara Quaiyly but never the great Sarah Aviary. Event though she's not the Saintess right now, she was still long standing and wouldn't give up. She was stronger than the other cast.

The male leads went back to their own expression as her power took completely control of them-- no one would believe that Y/n would seduced the archangel and so- she were gonna make people believe that starting with the Male leads.

The Male leads were unconscious. Theirs souls was somewhere else as their body control on it's own, following Sarah order.  They were only victims.

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