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hi i'm ian gallagher i'm 18 and live in chicago i have what i think is a boyfriend mickey milkovich the only reason i say think is cause he acts like he hates me or he just does he also hates kissing me but no one knows we're together other than my brother lip i'm trying to buy us an apartment but he doesn't know and doesnt have to i don't want him wasting his money on a apartment but here let's start now
|what the fuck are you doing|-mickey
|what i'm not doing anything|-ian
|what's with the book|-m
|nothing what book|-i
i push the book to floor and kick it under the counter but it goes right to mickeys feet i rush to get it but mickey picks it up and opens it he read it and looked at me
|why do you think i hate you|-m
|did i say that huh must've been a mistake|-i
|i told you to stop looking for a damn apartment didnt i|-m
|yea it's just-|-i
he kisses me and hands me my book back i smile
|now erase that before someone thinks we're a couple of fags or come up with a fucking code name for me cause if some one finds that i'll beat your ass|-m
|no it's fine i don't know why i started writing anyway im just gonna erase it|-i
|well no don't stop writing if it's helping you with your bipolar disorder i don't want to ruin that|-m
|why do you care anyways|-i
he walks behind the counter and grabs my meds he dumps them out and starts counting them a customer walks in
|good morning|-i
he starts recounting and looks at the date i got them he takes out his phone
|3 fucking pills ian you've missed 3 days are you kidding me what's going on|-m
the customer walks up i push my pills aside and check him out
|huh you gonna tell me why are there three extra fucking pills ian why aren't you taking them|-m
|your total is $16.37|-i
the customer pays and leaves i look at mickey i pick up 3 pills and put them in my mouth i push one under my tongue
|no ian one pill one fucking pill you can't catch your insanity with 3 pills|-m
i take out two and throw them away carl walked in
|hi carl|-i
|debbie made you lunch since frank took yours she put an uncrustable and a capri sun|-carl
|tell her thanks and get home before fiona finds out your gone|-i
|oh no i'm with little hank we're gonna go kill something|-carl
|ok leave|-m
he flips mickey off and runs out i scoop my pills back into the container i spit the one under my tongue out into the trash
|you can't just stop taking your meds|-m
the delivery guy walks in i sign the paper and start putting stuff away
|im serious ian|-m
|are you gonna help or are you just gonna lecture me|-i
another customer walks in he was a kid he walks up to the register i run to the register
|hi how can i help you|-i
|pack of cigarettes|
|you don't even know the brand out|-m
|Marlboro reds|
|no go to the park the ice cream truck will help you|-i
he walks out and i go back to helping mickey
|after our shifts come to my house terry is gone mandy is with lip all night brothers are gone too|-m
|the fuck you cant and if you can't i'm going to your house and your taking your pills|-m
|fine i'll go|-i
i know he wasn't just let me go now he found out about my pills i don't even need them i'm not that bad without them another customer
|we get off on ten|-m
|i know|-i
i walk up to the register i try putting my pills in the drawer but mickey walks up to me and grabs them he puts them back and goes back to stocking while i ring up the customer just then linda walks in
|you guys can clock out|-linda
i do just that aswell as mickey we walk to mickeys house we get in and i sit on the couch
while mickey changes his phones starts ringing it says Aubrey i answer it
-uhh hi-
-hi who's this-
-ian mickeys friend-
-oh i've heard of you I'm Aubrey mickeys girlfriend so where's mickey-
-changing i'll tell him you called bye-
i hang up and put his phone back mickey walks in i grab my phone
|oh hey|-i
|were you just on the phone|-m
|oh yea fiona called|-i
|oh well put something on we're not gonna watch a fucking black screen|-m
i turn the tv on and put a movie in i sit back down and mickey puts his arm around me
|are you gay|-i
|no not at all. yes i'm fucking gay you dumbass|-m
|well i don't maybe you have a girlfriend|-i
|why would i have a girlfriend i've got you and a what are you slow ian|-m
|i saw what's in your phone|-i
|what are you talking about why are you going through it|-m
|a girl named aubrey called|-i
|yea ex girlfriend what about it|-m
|she said she's your girlfriend|-i
|we'll it's not true so stay off my phone|-m
i get up i just want to be home i'm tired and frankly kind of bored
|where the fuck you going|-m
|home i gotta help fiona|-i
|you coming back|-m
|i don't feel like it|-i
i went to walk out but terry walks in
|well i love you ian i'll be at your house in the morning|-m
terry looks pissed i run past him he chases me he screams slurs but i outrun him and come barreling through the door i scramble to my room

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