jail birds

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i wake up ian's drying lia off i get up there's a knock at the door
|ill get it|-m
they start pounding i walk downstairs lip is walking towards the door
|i got it|-lip
he opens the door it's caleb he drops ian's bags and walks up to me i take one to the face
|that's for fucking with ian.|-c
|he loves me face it baby face|-m
he kicks me in the gut i get up and knock him center
|ians always gonna choose me get the fuck over it im with him and you never stood a god damn chance so fuck off|-m
i flip him off and walk back upstairs i take amelia from him
|go get your boyfriend|-m
he walks out i follow him caleb's holding his shirt to his nose
|why are you here i told you not to call me till fucking 5|-i
|im dropping off your shit and your boyfriend attacked me|-c
i look at mickey he shrugs
|actuall he walked in past me then gave him a blow to the head|-lip
he walks out i take lia back and grab her a bottle and put it in the microwave
|your supposed to feed her when she wakes up not after a bath and shit|-m
|yea i got the memo from both of you|-i
|just saying|-m
|im just saying i know how to take care of my daughter but i have a shift today can you take her and we can meet for lunch at the mall|-i
|yea ok|-m
i'm sitting at the cafeteria in the mall i got ian and me lunch while lia eats hers ian runs up and sits down
|how's your day so far|-i
|hell hole what about you|-m
|irs going we got one car crash two natural causes and a uh little girl got hit on her bike|-i
|shit is she ok|-m
|not really she broke her back and is now paralyzed for the rest of her life if people would stop texting and driving this wouldn't happen|i
|people are dicks what can you do about it|-m
|i can go find him and beat the shit out of him|i
|you being serious|-m
|yes i'm being serious|-i
probability of being arrested 75% chance no go for me i pick up lia ian pulls out this metal thing he takes a hit off it and blows smoke
|what the fuck is that shit|-m
|e cigarette it's called a juul it's a alternative to a cigarette and it's supposed to be healthier|-i
|healthier my ass|-m
he shrugs and hands it to me i hit it why does it taste like cotton candy
|your a girl you got cotton candy|-m
i'm sitting in the car when i get a call in for an assault just down the street i see two people running away from the street the accident happened i get out and run after them i tackle one of them and the other keeps running i look at him it's
i run after him and take him down i put them in handcuffs
|let us go|-m
|no i'll lose my job|-c
|and i'll lose my fucking kid|-i
damn lia would be gone for good i let them out
|fucking run bro|-c
they b line to our house
|thank god carl got us|-m
|thank god? we could've just lost lia and carl is on the line of losing his job|-i
|none of that's gonna happen settle down|-m
|you don't fucking know that|-i
|ian let's just go to the alibi and calm down|-m
he gets up and walks out i follow him to the alibi he sits down i sit next to him he gets up and sits by tommy
|it's been one day|-v
|i owe you a 20 huh tommy|-kev
|pay up|-t
|stop making bets on us ian's being a bitch|-m
|how am i a bitch i told you one hit then run not beat the fuck out of him|-i
|it was your idea|-m
|yea my idea to each hit him once|-i
|it's fine we didn't get caught|-m
|yes we did|-i
a cop walks in i put my head down and ian walks to the bathroom
|hi we're looking for a mikaihlo milkovich and a ian gallagher|-cop
|im not good with names lots of people come in daily got a picture?|-v
|yes one of the suspects dropped a picture of the 2 of them|-c
god damnit ian you did not
|oh yea i haven't seen them|-v
|has any of your other bartenders seen them|-c
|uhh svet kev kerry they're looking for some dudes named mikaihlo and ian have y'all seen them at all he's got a picture|-v
|no haven't seen them|-kerry
|hey your mickeys wife where is he he's wanted|-c
|oh mickey yes i have not seen or heard from him in a while he said he goes up north find him there|-s
|alright we'll check thank you|-c
he walks into the bathroom i run out and to fiona's
the cop walks in he looks at me i run i see mickey get up and run i follow him the cop chases us he's slow we hop over a fence into kevs backyard he's climbing the fence we run inside gemma and amy are with vs mom we run to their bathroom and climb into the attic closing it behind us we laugh we hear the cop run in me and mickey put our hands over each other's mouths shit

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