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i'm starting to freak the fuck out everyone's looking for ian v svet and kev closed the alibi to help tommy and kermit are out looking carl and liam are in the cop car debbie and fiona went west now it's me and lip going north i'm on the phone with the cops right now
-hi what's the emergency-
-hi my boyfriend left the house around 3:00 am last night intoxicated and his cars gone and he left his phone-
-are you talking about ian gallagher-
-we have cars looking for him now you are our 5th call today-
-ok thank you-
we're looking at all the cars when lip pulls under a bridge it's a gravel pit and directly smashed into the pier is ian's car lip barely stopped when i jumped out i ran to the driver side i tried opening it ian was passed out the whole front end of the car was unrecognizable the door was bent to the point you couldn't open it lip smashed the back window in and unlocked it i got in cutting my hands on the glass ian's face was destroyed completely bloody and glass shards coating him some in his face
|cmon ian wake up|-m
lips calling an ambulance
lip gets of the phone and pulls me out i start crying lip hugs me svet kev and v pull in behind us aswell as carl and liam they'd been behind us the whole time kevin runs out going up the car v carl svet and liam get out and walk up to us v's makeup treading down her face svetlana staring down the car liam's face drenched with tears and carl staring in disbelief v calls what i assume is fiona as an ambulance fire truck and cop car pull in the start by prying the door off the hinges that takes 10 minutes everyone's calming down knowing he's getting help not me im fucking tripping im sitting on the ground in svetlana and v's arms im eyeing the car seeing ian not moving killed me his legs were crushed by the car his arm was completely fucked they pull him out as fiona and debs pull in he looks lifeless like a doll i start crying even more lips closer to them and can hear what the medics are saying svet stands up and talks to lip she walks back to me and sits down
|he has pulse he's alive|-s
lip pulls me up
|cmon me and you get to go in the ambulance with him|-l
we get in and they drive out i hold ian's hand it's bloody
|do you know the severity of his injuries|-l
|his right leg and left arm are broken and there might be severe damage to his ribs|
i'm holding my hand over my mouth
i look at mickey he's completely destroyed i look at ian i rub my eyes tami calls me
-lip where the fuck are you im at the office now waiting on you-
-ian he uh he let me call you back i'm not gonna make it-
i hang up my eyes start tearing up again
everyone pulls in at the same time
everyone headed home except me and mickey were waiting for ian to be up which is soon they said he's heavily sedated due to his arm and leg being crushed and his nose broken his pain is unbearable brads calling
|i'll be right back in brads calling|-l
mick nods and i get up and walk outside
-hey brad-
-what the fuck lip-
-you don't show up to work you don't show up to tami's appointment and you tell us nothing no heads up-
-yea sorry it's been a really shitty day-
-no fucking excuses we both needed a heads up and it's your job and baby what could have been more important-
-maybe it's cause i didn't have a fucking heads up brad i woke up to hearing my intoxicated brother took his car somewhere i had to look for him only to find him barely breathing so yea i'd say my brother almost dying is pretty important to me-
-shit lip i didn't know-
mickey waves me in a nurse is standing behind him
-i gotta go ian's up-
i hang up and walk in we walk back to ian's room
we walk in i see my beautiful boy i smile
|hi ian|-l
|what happened|-i
|you got in a crash|-l
ian looks at me and smiles his nose is busted he has stitches on his eyebrow his leg and arm casted
|your cute|-i
i laugh aswell as lip i kiss his head
|i have a boyfriend|-i
|yea mick ian's not a cheater how could you do that?!|-l
|sorry ian i won't do it again|-m
|i never said don't i was just warning you|-i
|ohh warning him how come|-lip
|well my boyfriend is crazy and like he's way out of your league|-i
me and lip start laughing our asses off
|who am i ian|-m
|i don't know but your not mick|-i
i nod his face settles
|where's amelia|-i
lip looks at me
|she's with her mom is you know that|-m
|i thought i had custody of her|-i
|uhh no e your going to though hopefully soon|-m

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