baby steps

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i wake up to screaming it's debs
lip and carl wake up and i'm pretty sure everyone else in the house did to she's fuckin loud
|why can't you treat me like frank getting back|-i
carl sits next to me
|your better than dad|-c
|thanks but not really now get out so i can change|-i
they leave
|where were you|-fiona
|why would you leave|-fiona
|well as i recall you dragged me out of a mental hospital took me to my boyfriends wedding i got handcuffed to a poll with v's sex cuffs almost forced to watch mickey get married then kev let me go i also was like not on my pills sooo yea|-i
|so you leave for a month you had everyone thinking you were dead|-f
|i wasn't mickey found me last night and took me home|-i
|why is everything about mickey every time you open your mouth it's mickey this mickey that|-f
|fiona calm down|-lip
|look i gotta get to work|-i
|work you don't have a job|-f
|yea i work at a night club todays my first day i have to be there early to set up so i need to get dressed get my stuff from mickeys then go|-i
|mickey is not your boyfriend he is married|-f
mickey walks in and tosses me my meds i take one
|im his boyfriend|-m
|im his mistress|-i
|they have a point fi they've been together since they were 15 i got beaten up for ian by mickey then like a day later they were gay for each other|-lip
|yea that was real fun anyway get changed let's go before svet something says "why you take so long with my car i am pregnant what if i die while you are gone"|-m
fiona and lip leave mickey picks up liam and walks out i change grab my breakfast and we get in the car
|i will get a job i swear but right now i gotta keep them off my back until they forget about me disappearing|-i
|same i told svetlana that i was going baby shopping she didn't even want to go|-m
|might as-well go look around to waste the day|-i
|yea your right but we could always actually go to a club|-m
|let's do both|-i
we got to some nursery store mickey was just as confused as me we didn't know where to start so we went to the clothes i sat around and mickey just looked at the clothes like they were all concerning he looks at one shirt
|this is the most concerning thing i've ever seen|-m
he turned it around it was a weird drawing of a girl and a dad it said sometimes when i drink to much i like just like my daddy i laugh and so does mickey i get up and look for at least one shirt to bring back i look around till i find a shirt it was just floral i put it in the basket
|that's the most boring shirt ever pick something good|-m
|get the baby an outfit svetlana will be pleased|-i
|see if we ever have a kid your doing the shopping|-m
an old lady is staring at us
|mick we can't have a kid|-i
|we can't but you or i can we just gotta get a lady|-m
i grab a pair of jeans and put in the basket the lady is still staring
|white or pink shoes|-i
|why do i care pick one baby won't care it's not like it's gonna be saying oh fuck mom put me in the white shoes again i hate these no it's a fucking baby|-m
i throw the pink shoes in the cart and the old lady scoffs mickey finally notices her
|you got a problem lady|-m
|yes i do|
|go on what's wrong with shopping for my kid|
|you guys are queers|
|so you can't even have kids let alone adopt one|-m
|you guys are disgusting|
|i feel bad for your great grandkids|-m
|ok mickey that's enough|-i
|no cause why do you have the power to tell me i can't be happy i am shopping for my wife's kid with my boyfriend what is so wrong with that|
|mickey listen to yourself|-i
|i don't think you being homophobic needs security|-i
|burn in hell|
|look lady we're gay so be it we're grabbing some clothes and leaving|-i
a security guard walks up
|everything alright here|
|no these to men are harassing me|
|that's not at all what happened we are just shop-|-i
|your ian gallagher|
|uhh yes why|-i
|your missing|
|no i'm not|-i
|your poster is out front|
|i may have token debbie here to do my shopping and she put it up|-m
|and you are?|
|mickey milkovich his... best friend?|-m
|baby steps|-i

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