amelia grace gallagher

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i wake up to amelia crying it's 7:00 am i get up
|wanna go meet your uncles and aunties huh?|
i get her dressed in irinas old clothes then i get dressed i wake mickey up
|let's go take her to see my family mick|-i
i walk out while he changes luckily we have formula i get her bundled up in a blanket and we head over, we get inside and i give her the bottle now that it's not too hot debbie carl and lip are eating breakfast i look at the couch monica is asleep
|why do you have a baby|-carl
|she's my daughter|-i
|oh shit your joking|-lip
i shake my head he gets up i hand her to him
|what's her name|-debs
|Amelia grace|-i
|did you name her?|-carl
mickeys just smiling lip hands her to mickey
|did you guys adopt her?|-d
|no i hooked up with this chick and she didn't want her so i told her i'll take her|-i
|are you sure your ready for this ian?|-lip
|i have to be|-i
monica wakes up and walks to us
|oh my god a baby!|-m
we ignore her
|wait till kev and v find out!|-debs
|yea alibi opens early we're gonna take her in to meet her bar family|-mick
|you guys are gonna be great dads|-debs
|i hope|-m
2:00 pm
we went shopping off terrys dime and got a crib clothes formula and a stroller set it up now we're ready for the bar to meet the baby
we're outside the bar i tell ian to wait outside for a second i walk in
|hey mickey|-kev
|i have an announcement|-m
|you killed someone?|-kermit
|you robbed a store|-v
|me and ian are dads officially|-m
|i don't think that's how it works mickey|-kev
i open the door and ian walks in with amelia
|where'd you get the baby|-v
|it's our daughter|-m
|well my daughter i got a girl pregnant now i have this little thing|-i
v runs around the counter and picks her up
|that is a gallagher for sure and look at that red hair she has a lot|-v
she hugs us
|i say free beer for the next 18 years|-m
|yea no she's cute but no|-v
we sit down i order a beer ian doesn't
|what are you pregnant|-m
|no we're walking home i don't want to have too much|-i
|oh look at that daddy instinct already|-kev
|wait till y'all don't fuck for a year|-v
kev glared at v
|who knew before us?|-v
|up until yesterday no one but me|-i
i get up and get dressed mickeys asleep i take my pills then dress amelia i feed her and head to school i'll just text mick to get her when he wakes up i get to my locker mandy walks up to me she grabs amelia
|you have a baby|-m
i nod the bell rings and we get to class
|not very often a dad walks in it's always the mom|
|yea i guess but there is no mom so|-i
mickey runs in
|your back mickey|
|there's a month left why not|-m
he sits down next to me and takes amelia
|hi amelia how are you|-m
|is she yours?|-jake
|no ian's baby|-m
|oh i thought you were gay|-j
|he is|-m
me and ian walk to his locker he grabs a bottle and puts his backpack in his locker we walk to the lunch room he put the bottle in the microwave he takes it out and hands it to amelia i go to walk outside he looks at me
|she can't go outside it's snowing|-i
he takes her and walks back out to the hallway mandy is talking to a guy
|can you go change her there's no changing table in the bathrooms|-i
|there's a baby room here|-ma
|again not allowed|-i
she takes her he hands her a diaper and goes to the bathroom
|you sure you can do this ian|-m
|yea it's not that bad i just have to talk to the office about the baby room thing|-i
|you know svet can watch her while we're here|-m
|no she's mine not svetlanas not kevs mine|-i
|alright well i'm going to the bathroom|-m
mickey walks away and mandy walks out she hands me amelia i take her down to the office
|hey i know you guys said no but i can't change her in the guy's bathroom can i please use that room i need to|-i
|ian there is moms breastfeeding it's an invasion of privacy|
|im fucking gay i have a kid that's all|-i
|i will talk to the principal about it|
the bell rings fuck i grab my backpack and get to class a girl walks up to me
|yknow i think it's really brave what your doing|
|well you took in your daughter most dads just leave and don't have any responsibility|
|oh yea but her mom didn't want her|-i
mickey walks in and sits down
|sounds like a bitch does she need a mommy?|
mickey takes her
|she's got 2 daddy's so no|-m
she rolls her eyes and walks away

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