oh my god

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we finish talking to the security guard check out and now we're in the car i can't stop thinking about how mickeys gonna be a dad and how he says he's gay but made a kid i'm staring at my hands picking at them
|what's wrong|-m
|im fine ok|-i
|calm down|-m
|well you don't need to keep fucking talking i'm fine nothing is wrong|-i
|ian i didn't even do anything i asked what was wrong|-m
|take me home i can't do this shit today|-i
|do what what did i do your acting like your on your period|-m
|i'll take you home if you tell me what's wrong|
|you in the store|-i
|your not mad about that your mad about the baby|-m
how the fuck does he know
|i could give ten less fucks about the girls you fuck but if you didn't make a scene i wouldn't go into the papers about how i randomly appeared|-i
|no one gives a fuck about you ian you think i was telling the truth about everyone searching fiona couldn't give a shit she told me one less mouth to feed lip he applied to college because he didn't have to worry about you carl didn't even notice i didn't give a fuck it's just debby and kev no one cares about you ian|-m
i got out of the car and started walking the other way i called kev
-it's kev leave a message-
-hey man uh i'm in town headed to the alibi i kinda need a job i gotta get out of here call me back see ya in a few-
mickey drove away i keep walking for about 10 minutes till i get a call from kev
-hey kev-
-your back-
-yep last night but did you listen to my message-
-yes i have a job now does that work-
-alright don't tell v but when will i see you-
-now i'm walking in-
i hang up and walk in
|ian what's up|-k
|hey man|-i
|i just need a part time server until v gives birth does that work|-k
|like i said anything works i just gotta leave or get enough to go to west point|-i
|what's going on|-k
|fiona and mickey|-i
|man i'm sorry but look i gotta go i'll be here before closing so see you?|-k
|i'll be here|-i
he runs out im serving and talking to people till mickey walks in i sigh he sits down and lights a cig
|when the fuck did you start working here|-m
|an hour ago|-i
|i either need another apartment or get into the army|-i
|your not joining the army|-m
|yea west point i mean if lip can get in i can|-i
|i said your not|-m
i start wiping the counter
|you don't give a shit about me|-i
|i didn't mean it like that ian of course i do|-m
|my girlfriend is on board|-i
|you don't have a girlfriend|-m
|sure i do|-i
|mandy milkovich|-i
|fuck that she's dating your brother and you couldn't pull her if you wanted|-m
|they broke up i got with her a few days after i left|-i
|yea and i'm going to harvard.|-m
i text mandy to act like my girlfriend for a sec and then call her
-hey babe-
-hi e how are you-
-good working at the alibi sitting here with mick what are you doing-
-waiting to see you-
-can't wait i'll be back tonight around 10 come over?-
-alright love you bye-
-love you bye-
|bullshit straight out of your ass|-m
|i literally just called her|-i
|fine i'll be there an hour after you get off if mandy leaves and she's there i'll believe it|-m
i'm sitting on the couch watching tv mandy walks out wearing ian's shirt i know it's his he said it's his favorite
|where are you going|-m
|ians why|-m
|no reason|-m
i get up to ian's room and sit down with lip we start making out
|is that my shirt|-i
|yea it was under mickeys bed|-m
|i haven't seen that in like two years|-i
i hear mickey cough and his footsteps i get into ian's bed and start playing with his hair
|you have really soft hair|-m
mickey walks in and i run my hands down to his and hold his hand still playing with his hair then look up at mickey
|what the fuck|-m
he walks out slamming the door me and ian laugh
i get home and slam the door svetlana looks at me and walk into the bathroom there's no way absolutely no fucking way i grab a magazine and open it ian's picture and a picture we took together falls onto my lap svetlana walks in and i put the pictures back in the magazine
|what the fuck is that you have|-s
|nothing leave|-m
she takes the magazine and the pictures fall out she picks them up and looks at them
|you kiss this boy and have picture of him why mickey|-s
|get the fuck out|-m
i take the pictures and put them in my pocket
|why are you so angry|-s
|you wanna know why the fuck i'm angry BECAUSE IM MARRIED TO YOU AND YOU AAY THIS KIDS MINE|-m
|its is yours and you can't leave me|-s
i punch a hole in the wall and push past her
i walk out and go to ian's

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