come on ian

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i wake up and get ready for work with what i have on me ian's still asleep i sit on his bed to put my shoes on
|ian we have work|-m
he groaned and rolled over
|let's go ian take your pill|-m
i got my shoes on and rolled him over
|im calling in sick|-i
|nope you can't you have training linda will know and you won't get into west point|-m
|i don't want to go|-i
|yes you do let's go come on|-m
i pull the sheets off him and pull him up i grab him a shirt and pants he looks drained
|did you sleep last night|-m
he nods and lays back down
|ian get dressed|-m
mandy and lip walk in
|what's up with ian|-mandy
|i dont fucking know he won't wake up he won't get changed nothing|-m
|ian get up|-lip
they keep talking to me but it's muffled i'm so tired but they're pissing me off
|get out|-i
they leave i change and walk out i get my bag then i walk downstairs to grab my lunch mickey follows me i walk out mickey keeps trying to talk to me we get all the way to the store i unlock it turn the lights on set up just like everyday since i was 15 since kash and me since jimmys dad ned since- customer they walk in go to the beer isle they grab a six pack stumble to the registers i ring them up they wait i can't hear them mickey walks up pushes me aside grabs a carton of camel wides rings them up they leave all i hear is mickeys muffled screams i hear the word pill
i push mickey he calls someone off my phone i keep the contact with the mismatched bell peppers i go from out behind the counter and fix them i get carried away fixing everything
i look behind me to put a face to the familiar voice debbie
|please take your pills|-d
i nod and take one this time i swallow it mickey walks debbie out then walks back in
|was that so hard|-m
|yea it was|-i
my voice is sharp but low linda walks in
|ian why didn't you take the last customer|-l
i don't answer
|huh i give you a job band i give mickey a job i don't have time to babysit you|-l
|i quit|-i
|ian no you don't no he doesn't quit|-m
|yes i quit i'm done with you and everyone bossing me around|-i
|well im your boss but good im glad you quit about time|
i grab my phone and wallet then walk out i head to my house mickey runs after me he catches up to me
|ian what the hell|-m
|go home mick|-i
|no what's wrong with you why didn't you take your pills|-m
|i don't need the job i don't need the pills|-
|you need both ian|-n
|go home mickey i'll talk to you later|-i
i don't want him to go home i just don't know what to say
|no i'm taking you home i don't know what other stupid things you'll do|-m
|go or else i'll tell your dad everything|-i
|yknow what fuck you ian i don't fucking need you your a piece of shit anyway|-m
mickey starts walking towards his house and i walk to mine i only get halfway until a van pulls up they explain they'll pay me 600$ daily for sex i agreed cause i need to help fiona with the bills and i need to save for an apartment i got into their van it was basically a set up in the van they started driving and it started they just drove back to where they picked me up at i run inside change and get to training which mickey always goes with me i expect him not to be there today i check in then get into training to my suprise mickey is sitting on a bench, he gets up puts out his smoke and kisses me
|need a little motivation?|-m
|im really not in the mood i have to train or i can't get into west point|-i
|cmon your always in the mood unless.|-m
|no i'm just set on training|-i
my phone rings it's lip i answer
|i need you to get to mickeys house right now|-l
|why i'm with him right now|-i
|terry touched debs|-l
i hang up
|grab a gun let's go|-i
|where what's going on|-m
|you'll see and someone touched debbie|-i
he grabs a gun and we run to mickeys house mandy is on the drive way with debbie
|what happened why is she here|-i
|i was helping her with a first day of school outfit and he came in drunk i tried to stop him i swear|-mandy
|stay with debbie i'll go fuck this bitch up|-m
he runs into the house i follow lips punching terry while collin tries pushing him off
|lip calm it down you don't want your dna on his body|-m
he gets off of him and terry looks at me
|i should've killed you queers when i had the chance|-t
|you really should've|-m
mickey puts his arm around me and kisses me
|and i should've killed you when you touched mandy but i've learned you kill for the people you love and well i love ian and his family so that includes debs but i never loved you so night you shitty dead beat motherfucker|-m
mickey shoots terry lip ran out and ran away with debbie and mandy collin rushes out with terry to the car with a hole in his gut you would think you'd be dead
|how you feeling|-m
|pretty fucking horny that speech was hot|-i
|weve got the house to ourselves|-m

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