escape plan

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2:00 am
i was packing before mickey walked in but he helps me put bags on the front porch along with his bags it's 4:00 am we're walking 2 carts full of bags and boxes about 6 miles
|im fucking sick of walking in stealing a god damn car|-m
|we only have 12 miles left|-i
|12 miles my ass|-m
he walks up to a car it's already unlocked he throws our stuff in the back we get in and i start directing him there
|yknow why didn't we just take the train like i said|-m
|we wouldn't of gotten there mickey|-i
|wouldnt my ass we totally would've but now you got me stealing a car you got us looking like romeo and julian fucking running away to be in love despite my fucking father|-m
i laugh and so does he
|why are you doing this|-i
|cmon ian why wouldn't i|-m
|you know why|-i
|no i don't|-m
I know exactly why he knows terry is after me i just have to think of something to ease him
|your dads gonna find us i mean what's he gonna think when your not there and everything you own is gone except your russian wife|-i
|no he's not i'm gonna help you set up your bed hopefully spend a little more time with you then go home|-m
|mickey let's both go home just for tonight|-i
|why they'll be confused why both of us only me and you the two fags stuff got stolen then why we both disappear before my wedding|-m
|i can't sleep alone mick|-i
|why are you being a bitch about this|-m
|i live in a full house mickey i've never been alone there's no way i'll be up all night|-i
|i'll stay with you say i went for a bachelor party and stayed the night i got robbed apparently|-m
|fiona and them know i moved mandy knows even|-i
|what do you mean mandy knows|-m
|i told them i was moving not you|-i
|gallaghers don't keep secrets ian i trust mandy we keep secrets|-m
|wow thanks cause i'm not a gallagher|-i
|not for fucking ever god ian|-m
|real great way of saying your gonna propose|-i
|you shouldn't of said anything cause maybe if you shut the fuck up and do what i say we could've saved for a nicer apartment|-m
|your saying you getting married is my fault you insisted i go to your house you said you loved me you were dumb enough to actually think your dad wouldn't do anything about you being gay|-i
|no ian im saying if you would've taken your pills none of this would've happened|-m
|how the fuck does that make sense|-i
|you had to write in that stupid book i worried about you with that found out your not taking your pills worrying about that and then you go and try hiding your pills i knew you didn't take them so i was gonna take you to my house get you to take the pills and have you get some rest cause you had been stressed ian you don't think i don't notice you ian i do fuck i always notice you then you started leaving and i thought about what you wrote down i was trying to be better for you but terry walked in it fucked everything up and i'm sorry but i'm fixing it ok just me and you|-m
i smile and look at him i twirl my short hair and bat my eyes he looks at me and smiles
|what are you a girl now|-m
|no but that speech about how it's my fault made me hard it also made it sound like your fault|-i
|wait let's back track what's you say|-m
|that it's your fault|-i
|before that|-m
|that it's my fault|-i
|after that|-m
|oh how im hard|-i
we pull in i get out and grab all of my stuff while mickey grabs his we get it inside mickey didn't know but it was pre furnished aka last tenants left everything and the landlord didn't give 2 shits which was a score for us
|pre furnished for $40,000 and it looks like this|-m
|be lucky they even said yes to an 18 year old kid with a couple records|-i
|i would rent would be a daily fuck for me|-m
|that's how i got us here|-i
|what'd you just say|-m
|that's how i got us here?|-i
|how'd you get us this apartment e|-m
he only calls me e when he's pissed for real not just acting tough e means i'm dead
|forget about it we're here now aren't we|-i
|e tell me how you got so much money for our apartment|-m

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