first night

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we get to the club micks not impressed we walk in i leave mickey at the bar and go talk to the manager and get dressed
i sit down at the bar there's 4 guys staring at me this is the worst thing ever i should've listened to ian on this one
|can i buy you a drink?|
|im married|-m
|so am i it makes it fun|
|get the fuck away from me|-m
ian walks behind the bar he looks like a fag a tank top and shorts i just stare at him and he glared at me
|you feeling okay|-m
|yea but it's gonna be a long night so we might see 1 or 2|-i
|well one more and i'm calling you in|-m
|i'll be fine|-i
|this is your husband|
|no i'm married to a woman he's just my-|-m
|it's a gay club you can say it mickey|-i
|i was getting there it's my boyfriend there happy|-m
|does the wife know you're dating ginger|
|who the fuck is ginger|-m
|mick here you don't have real name's especially if your here to sleep with people|-i
|do i gotta call you that|-m
|not necessarily but you should|-i
|im not doing that shit your just e okay that's your name|-m
he shrugs and goes to the floor i watch him anything off about him i step in take him somewhere quiet
|you ever been here|
|no im  it a fag|-m
|you have a boyfriend|
|doesn't make you a fag|-m
i see lip and mandy walk in i walk up to them
|why are you here|-m
|where the fuck is ian|-l
i look at mandy she shrugs
|look your brothers you love each other blah blah blah go fuck and go to bed fight him tomorrow|-m
|he wants to fight he can be a man and finish|-l
|well he's a fag so bye bye|-m
i corral then to the exit till we get outside
|you know what fuck you your using ian you never fucking loved him you fag-|-l
i knock him dead center he hits the ground i walk back in and sit back down looking for ian
|he walked off with a regular|
|regular it's his first day|-m
|red doors where the bouncer is wait 5 minutes he'll be out|
|fuck that|-m
i get up and start walking around i've never seen so many fags i sit down not one ginger i look to the people next to me black hair ned brown hair ned wtf absolutely not i go to get up some dude walks up to me i mean yea he's my type atleast i think i can only see his hair he's ginger damn i don't have a type
|want a dance pretty boy|
|no i don't want a dance|-m
he gets on my lap and starts anyway
|don't worry this one's on me|
the person next to me gets up and i'm in full view of ned he looks at me and scoots over
|mickey glad to see you've met my favorite dancer|-n
i don't answer
|so you and ian didn't work out|-n
|were doing great|-m
|then why are you here|-n
|he works here|-m
|oh great i'll have to get a dance from him|-n
|fuck that i had to punch you for looking at him no way your buying a dance from him|-m
ian walks up to us
|ian what a pleasant surprise|-n
i give him the you ok look he shakes his head i push the dancer off me and walk into the break room he sits down
|you good|-m
|no it's gonna happen but i'm in pain now|-i
i sit on the floor and lay his head in my lap i hold his hand he's shaking it hasn't even started
|it's just the adrenaline ian you'll be over with this in 3 minutes then back on the floor|-m
with my other hand i run my fingers through his hair
|why do you treat me so good|-i
|your about to have a seizure so far i do this every time|-m
|no you do it in my sleep too|-i
|yea so?|-m
he closes his eyes and it starts i get a call
~this is a recorded call from cook county jail would you like to connect~
~sure go ahead~
~your fucking dead mickey~
~i'm out next week and i'm killing you and your fucking faggot boyfriend~
i hang up oh shit what the fuck how is he getting out early the dude who gave me a dancewalks in he's actually kinda hot mickey what the fuck is wrong with you your boyfriend is having a seizure in your lap right now
|oh my god is he ok|
|yes he's fine|-m
it's been two minutes already be opens his eyes i put my hand on his chest he sighs and the guy walks out
|you good|-m
he nods and sits up
|fuck this shit i've been here an hour and a half|-i
he gets up and walks out

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