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we pull up to the bar there's balloons and a banner that says svetlana and mickey with a shitty drawn ring on the end
|you sure i gotta do this shit|-m
|let's get it over with|-f
we all get out of the car and walk in everyone is setting up
i walk up to kev
|i need scissors|-i
he hands me them i cut off the hospital bracelet
|whatd you do|-k
|tried to go to a mental hospital|-i
|you get caught?|-k
|yea i wrote a note was hoping they would've thought i went to the army but they called mickey|-i
|why'd they call mickey|-k
|don't even ask|-i
|it's gonna be long day|-k
i roll my eyes mickey hands me my meds and a bottle of water i put them in the counter
|take them|-m
kevin walks away
|ian fucking take them so i can go get married go home and go to sleep|-m
|me not taking my meds isn't gonna stop you from getting married|-i
|cause if you don't i'm gonna get pissed punch you in the face and shoot everyone here|-m
i grab the pack of cigarettes from his pocket and light it
|ian take the damn pill|-m
|why it's not like it's gonna make me any less pissed than i already am|-i
|MICKEY OMG|-svetlana
|fuck don't yell what do you want|-m
|i went to doctor yesterday i forgot to tell you last night but i am two months pregnant with your baby!|-l
|there's no fucking way it's mine|-m
|yes your baby|-s
|not my baby sorry svetlana|-m
|yes because when terry shoot you and we fuck two months ago i am two months pregnant|-s
i got up and walked into the bathroom i heard lip and mandy fucking
|couldn't even go to the woman's bathroom god there's more men than woman here|-i
i here them scramble and mandy comes out of the bathroom
|you ok ian|-m
|why wouldn't i be i just need some weed to feel even better|-i
|what happened|-m
lip walks out
|what do you think happened where are we and why are you here|-i
|ian he still loves you he has to do this|-m
|no fuck that cause he doesn't do you know mickey he wouldn't do this if he actually cared about me he wants to do this|-i
mickey walks in
|what kind of intervention is this|-m
|it's an intervention about you|-lip
lip walks out
|whats happening|-mick
|leave mickey|-mandy
|i gotta piss you leave|-m
mandy walks out i go to follow her
|ian stay|-m
i ignore him and walk out i catch up to mandy
|he cares he just doesn't know how to especially since he sees what happens to you he doesn't want both of you going through it|-m
|so he has to act straight|-i
|yes ian but at the end of the day he goes back to you he always does doesn't he|-m
i turn around and go to the bathroom mickeys leaning on the counter smoking a cigarette
|why are you doing this|-i
|doing what|-m
|marrying her|-i
|ian i already told you i have to unless you want me dead then i'll go out there and call it off|-m
|no i want you to quit lying|-i
|lying about what|-m
|i love you i think you love me quit acting like you hate me quit acting like you aren't gay just fucking quit|-i
|i can't deal with you anymore get it through your head i love you i have to marry her to make everyone happy|-m
|your making everyone but me and you happy where does that leave us|-i
|it leaves us a secret|-m
he walks out i follow him except he walks up to the altar music starts i go to walk out but  kev stops me
|i have to be up there cause im like the best man or something but mickey told me not to let you leave so please don't leave cause this will only be bad for the both of us if i have to handcuff you to the bar|-k
|why would that be your next step|-i
|mickey told me too|-k
i see ian and kev talking by the door ian pushes past him kev looks at me and i nod towards the door kev runs out and brings ian back in
kev grabs out fluffy pink handcuffs and hooks me two hands behind my back attached to a pole by the bar
|please don't tell me these are v's|-i
v walks up and stares at my hands
|kev why is ian handcuffed to a pole with my handcuffs|-v
|mickey told me too|-k
|go get up there and i'll get someone to watch him|-v
kev runs up next to mickey he's wearing a shirt that has a tuxedo print on the front
|i swear i get him a suit and he insists on wearing that shirt every time|-v
|look i'd love to talk but i need you to get mandy|-i
i see svetlana walk down the isle i close my eyes
|ian what's wrong v told me you needed me|-m
|get me out of these cuffs before i kill someone or get me a damn shot because i'm not gonna last this whole thing without ruining it|-i
the service starts i hear the pope talking to svetlana mandy gets me out i take a shot and walk out
i'm staring at ian his eyes are closed and he's talking to mandy she walks up to me she completely disregards the pope talking
|give me the keys|-mandy
kev hands them to her
|im scared of her sorry|-k
|your useless you know that|-m
|v tells me that a lot|-k
i see ian take a shot and walk out
|i do|-s
|do you Mikhailo Milkovich take Svetlana Yevgenivna to be your lawfully wedded wife|-p
i stare at her with a little bit of disgust on my face i giggle a little bit she hits me
|you say i do not laugh at me|-s
|im sorry i just need a second|-m
i start laughing
|as the groom contains himself do we have any objections before he says i do|-pope
|i do|-v
|i do too|-fiona
|me three|-lip
|three objections state your reasoning|-pope
|dont fucking say it|-m
|hes gay|-v
|im gonna get shot|-m
|oh i was gonna say he's extremely gay|-lip
|you guys are making it worse|-m
|he has a boyfriend|-fiona
|your gonna find my body at the bottom of a lake thanks|-m
|invalid objections unless proven|-pope
|thank you continue|-m
|do you Mikhailo Milkovich take Svetlana Yevgenivna to be your lawfully wedded wife|-p
|can you like not say mikhailo|-m
|what would you prefer|-p
|mickey my names mickey|-m
|do you Mickey Milkovich take Svetlana Yevgenivna to be your lawfully wedded wife|-p
|i.. do?|-m
|you may now kiss the bride|-p
i shake her hand
|what i'm keeping it formal|-m
svetlana pulls out a bun from her garter
i run out the door

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