i think about you alot

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1 month later
i wake up eat breakfast and then wait around sit in the cafeteria talking to some guys
|im not supposed to be in here|
|me either i got 2 kids|-m
|what are you in for|
|assault what about you|-m
|i murdered my family|
|the fuck do you mean your not supposed to be in here that's like some fucked up-|-m
|mickey you've got visitors|
i walk up
|who is it|-m
|2 kids russian lady and a ginger|
i walk in svetlanas holding irina i take the phone down
|we miss you|-s
|he's out?|-m
|it took him shit load of convincing to even get him in the car he does not want to be here|-s
|hows irina|-m
|growing like weed she is walking|-s
|can i talk to him and lia|-m
she gets up and ian sits down
|hey e|-m
|hi mickey|-i
|how are you guys|-m
|lia is good|-i
|how about you|-m
he shrugs
|what's going on with you|-m
|i uhh i have a new job|-i
|that's good what is it|-m
|EMT it pays well|-i
|i've been thinking about you|-m
he stays silent
|you ever think about me|-m
|not much lately|-i
|how come|-m
|im talking to someone|-i
|why are you here then|-m
|i dont know to be honest|-i
|look i'll be out in 5 months or less you still gonna let me see her?|-m
|maybe not sure|-i
|shit you really know how to make a guy smile e i'm fucking overjoyed|-m
|i dont know if i even want to be with you in 5 months let alone see you again|-i
|ian weve been together since we were 16 and before that we had something|-m
|shit doesn't last forever|-i
|what's his name|-m
|caleb you already know|-i
|times up|-officer
|i love you amelia i gotta go i'll see you soon|-m
she smiles
mickey walks out i look at svet
|why do you leave him every time|-s
i ignore her and walk out caleb's sitting in the lobby he stands up and takes lia
|how'd it go|-c
|i think it's time to grab my stuff from his place|-i
he nods and we get in the car lia starts crying i put my hand back she screams even more
|what's wrong lia|-c
|she just wants mickey|-i
we pull up to his house i walk in mandy's on the couch i walk past her i grab my bags off his bed and go into the bathroom i open the magazine i take the picture of us out then write my new address on the back of my picture and put it back i put our picture in my back pocket and get in the car mandy runs out
|hey let me see her one more time|-m
i nod she takes her out of the car i get out and we walk inside
|take one of micks shirts for her i'll switch it out when the smell wears off so she can sleep|
|i guess|-i
she grabs one out of his drawer and hands it to her she stops crying
|thank you|-i
|i love you guys|-m
|we love you too and i'll visit still|-i
she nods and we walk out i put lia back in the car and we drive
|that's a distinct smell|-c
|yea mickeys she love him|-i
i take lia inside and lay her down i miss mickeys smell so much i miss mickey i do think about him daily and i guess amelia too
|you ok|-c
|yea just thinking|-i
|about mickey?|-c
|uh yea|-i
|whatd he say|-c
|he wants me to wait for him|-i
|what'd you say|-c
|i just told him i was seeing you|-i
|oh ok nothing else|-c
|are you mad|-i
|a little|-c
|why it's just mickey|-i
|you love him ian|-c
|no i don't we've just been inseparable since we were 16 we just click|-i
|yea you guys also have a kid together and visit each other in jail and wards|-c
|lia is mine and it was for svet he wouldn't have said yes to visiting|-i
|why wouldn't svetlana say yes|-c
|he's mad at her for something i did a while back but not the point|-i
|shouldn't he be mad at you|-c
|yes but he kinda sucks at being mad if he can't hit me so he takes it out on svet|-i
|so he does love you so much he can't be mad at you huh|-c
|he's my ex caleb we just have a whole lotta history i can't remember a time he wasn't around but i can now and i'm trying to enjoy it|-i
|admit it you love him|-c
|but i dont|-i
|but you do|-c

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