make it right

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we get home ian takes off his shirt and lays down i grab a beer
|you good|-m
he doesn't answer
|e you ok|-m
|yea i'm fine|-i
|what's wrong|-m
|you that's what's wrong|-i
|what did i do|-m
|school you were being a dick|-i
|i came out didnt i|-m
|no mickey i came out for you|-i
|ok how was i being a dick|-m
|yea ian's just a friend oh i have no one else to talk to you forgot my pills|-i
|your a grown fucking man take your pills on your own time i got distracted don't go off on me for that shit|-m
|you make sure i take them everyday it's been 4 days so fuck you|-i
|what the fuck do you mean 4 days|-m
|i haven't taken them in 4 days|-i
|why not|-m
|i don't need them|-i
fuck that's why i have to give them to him fuck come on mickey you know this shit i pull him out of bed
|cmon no sleeping let's go to the alibi|-m
|get off me|-i
he walks out i follow him
he ignores me and lights a smoke we walk all the way to his house me yelling him ignoring me we get inside fiona and sammi are arguing ian walks upstairs i grab his arm and turn him around i wanna punch him in the fucking face
|im sorry ian ok what the fuck do you want me to do about it|-m
|where have you been|-fiona
|i was at school|-i
|are you ok|-f
|yes i'm fine i'm going to bed|-i
|no your not ian|-m
|whats going on|-f
|he hasn't been taking his meds|-m
|your supposed to be on that mickey|-f
ian walks upstairs
|i have been but i can't fucking babysit all the god damn time|-m
|you know he won't take em on his own|-f
|yea i got that but i've been dealing with shit too yknow|-m
|we all are but you said you'd give him his meds you put that responsibility on yourself|-f
|he's not a baby he can take them|-m
|he doesn't want to do he won't get your shit together or he's staying here|-f
|he doesn't need to stay here it was hiccup ok|
i walk upstairs ian's laying down debbie's sitting with him i keep fucking this up i walk out ian's going to school tomorrow i'll take his pills to him and make it right
NEXT DAY ian's pov
i get to school mickeys waiting at my locker with my pills and water i walk up to him he hands me three i take them
|i'll stay today and make it up to you no bullshit i swear|-m
|no bullshit|-i
he shakes his head the bell rings we walk into class a few people are staring mickey sits next to me as well as mandy i start finishing up an essay mickey puts his hand on my knee jake walks up to us
|is what you said yesterday true ian|-j
|yea i figured i got 2 months left here might as well say something|-i
|you too mickey i thought you were like|-j
|thought i was what|-m
|i helped you beat the fuck out of a fag like a year ago|-j
|you guys are fucking dumb i've been with him since i was 15|-m
|i also helped you try and track ian down for raping Mandy when we were 15|-j
|he never raped me he's gay|-ma
|yea well we're living together so|-mi
he walks away i finish my essay and turn it in the bell rings i walk to my locker and throw my stuff in it debbie runs up to me she hugs me
|what's up debs shouldn't you be in class|-i
|monicas back she's in the office trying to take me and carl|-d
me and mickey run with her to the office she looks at me and smiles
|my beautiful baby look at you|-m
she puts her hand on my face
|oh and mickey you gorgeous boy|-m
she hugs him
|i hear about you guys sometimes how mickey makes you so happy how lip is in college baby debbie and carl are growing like weeds and liam oh liam|-m
|leave now your not taking debs and carl so leave now|-i
|ian don't talk to me that way are you on your meds or are you like me i don't need em|-m
|he's on his meds now leave monica|-mick
|im gonna be at home i'll see my babies soon|m
she hugs us and walks out fuck me this is gonna be a shit show

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