no call no visit for 7 months

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6 months later
i'm doing great life's pretty great amelia is almost a year i'm sitting on the couch with her caleb walks in with a picture
|whats this|-c
he turns it around me and mickey great
|it's old where did you find it|-i
|under lias mattress care to explain that|-c
there's a knock at the door i get up and open it mickey he pushes me
|no call no fucking visit what the fuck am i too you huh|-m
|mickey i-|-i
|no cause fuck you gallagher you wanna say she's my kid to you wanna scare me with your crazy shit you wanna move in all this shit but you can't drive 1 hour to come visit me for 7 fucking months|-m
|leave mickey|-c
|stay the fuck out of this whatever your name is tell me why the fuck you didn't let me see her|
|i was gonna but lip said it was a bad idea|-i
|i took care of her while you went out and tried to take your own life i took care of her while you sat in the mental hospital for almost 2 months but you can't let me see her through a god damn piece of glass|-m
caleb pulls out a gun
|caleb stop it's just mickey|-i
|what you don't think i'll beat the shit of you both you think i won't murder your ass cause oh it's just mickey|-m
i pick up amelia she starts crying i grab mickeys shirt and she stops
|look mickey you see this she can't leave without you by her side you know she started calling me dada that's your god damn name so you wanna talk about how i think she's not yours she's attached to you she can't sleep without your shirt|-i
she reaches for mickey he takes her and smiles
|see she's infatuated with her dad|-i
mickey kissed her head and she leans against him smiling
|she loves you mick|-i
|take a walk guys i gotta deal with something|c
we walk out mickey and lia are looking at each other smiling
|she's reunited and even after 7 months she still know your her dad|-i
we walk to the car
|drive to your house?|-i
he nods and gets in we start driving
|i thought about you everyday if that helps|-i
|i did too|-m
we pull up mickey takes lia out and we walk inside mandy's sitting on the couch
|your out?|-ma
|yep today is my first taste of freedom|-mi
ned walks out of the bathroom what the fuck
|ian mickey and a baby|-n
|look we were just about to leave|-ma
|whos baby is it|-n
|ours cock sucker|-mi
|what's going on|-i
kash walks out of the bathroom as well ok i really want to fucking leave
|uhh yea let's go|-ma
|whats happening|-i
|you and ian|-kash
|what are you talking about|-i
|ian we think it's time you move on from mickey yknow get to know some other people and what better way of doing that is going back to the fairy tale club|-ned
|uhh no im an emt have a kid and have a boyfriend?|-i
|and me|-mi
|and mickey|-i
|ian mickey you know we love you but your just gonna keep leaving mickey and mickey your gonna kill ian one day|-ma
we turn around and walk out
|what the fuck was that|-i
|i dont know your house|-m
we get back in the car and drive to my house we get inside everyone's talking even kev and v are here
|mickey ian amelia look at you guys|-fiona
|is this an intervention about us|-i
|uhhh noo|-fi
|im not apart of this v told me my next bar visit would be free|-lip
|im getting fireworks to be here i don't give a single shit|-carl
|i get more diapers for franny so im here|-debs
|i get nothing v told me she'd chop my balls off if i didn't come|-kev
|i am here to talk them out of it|-svet
|why am i here? i mean so what they love each other it's the new age they are grown men they can do whatever the fuck they want|-frank
|so it's an intervention about us|-m
|look baby ian's not happy with you mickey your not happy with him you fight you attack each other go to bed repeat|-v
|v is right we just want to talk to you guys about maybe not getting back together|-f
|i say fuck em mickey loves ian since he is 16 ian loves mickey since he is 15 yes they fight but when they don't they are peas in pod they sleep on couch together go to movie drink laugh they are happy but ian can't help he has disease so he sometimes leaves but he comes back because he loves mick and mickey gets angry but always apologizes and makes up for it like i tell ian they are same people gay boys in south side fucked up family they understand each other they both have problem but work on it together every single time|-s
|svetlana understands why can't you guys|-i
caleb walks in i sigh
|the fuck do you want we're having an intervention about me and ian|-m
|i got called over|-c
|who called you|-i
he shrugs i look at fiona
|get over it i vote stay together all in favor raise your hand|-s
lip carl frank liam debbie and kev raise their hands v puts kevs down
|all in favor stay apart raise your hand|-f
v and fiona raise their hands v raises kevs
|oh look at that we stay|-m
|what's this about|-caleb
|me and mickey|-i
he sighs and walks out i follow him
|look caleb me and mickey are wired different we just understand each other|-i
|i understand you ian i will-|-c
|no you don't you don't understand why i cut my arm open for fun you don't understand why i tried to kill myself you don't understand why i go crazy or why i go off on rampages mickey does and you don't fucking help you just say it's ok it happens just take another pill|-i
|that's what im supposed to do|-c
|really cause everytime i have a seizure i wind up in a hospital bed but with mickeh i wake up and get on with my shit when i go off mickey helps me then he just keeps me going on like it didn't happen|-i
|well mickey doesn't give a shit about you if he's doing that cause that's a shitty ass thing to do to someone you love|-c
|no it actually keeps me sane and like there's nothing actually wrong it's just another day at the milkovich house|-i
he gets in his car and drives off

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