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svetlana looks at me like i'm crazy
|we have happy family ian|-s
|i know it's awesome right?|-i
she walks out with ella and irina v stares in disbelief  lip walks in
|what the fuck did you do ian|-l
|calm down i just tripped|-i
|you did not fucking trip what did you do to mickey|-l
|nothing he's probably just tired|-i
i put my arm around caleb he walks out
|you gotta go home ian ill see you in the morning about your arm|-v
kevin walks me out
|what's going on with you guys|-i
|ian your sick|-k
|im not sick|-i
|night ian|-k
i walk away where to go where to go i'll go to my work i walk to the L get on and get there i walk in it's a crowded night i get to the bar josh is working
|what's up josh|-i
|hi ian what happened to your arm|-j
|i fell earlier|-i
he nods and hands me a beer mandy calls me
-hey mandy-
-what the fuck is wrong with you-
-i told you about caleb and why would you cut yourself-
-i fell while training and caleb is a friend-
-you cheated ian and don't pull that i fell shit on me cause i'm not dumb-
i hang up and down the beer dale walks up to me i wave
|you ok with mickey?|-d
|yea we're great why?|-i
|well yknow he said you guys got into an argument and he hit you|-d
|ohh yea that was a total misunderstanding he did hit me but i got in one punch before he kneed me in the face|-i
i laugh he leans in and whispers
|do you need me to call someone or yknow help you get out of this|-d
|nooo i'm just having a few drinks then going home to him and the baby|-i
|the baby?|-d
|yea he has a daughter but we're together so i like to think of her as my daughter|-i
|are you ok ian have you taken anything|-d
|no i don't really do drugs so|-i
|i think it's best if you go home ian|-d
|oh uhh ok|-i
i pay for my beer and grab a taxi i get home and walk inside mandy and svetlana are on the couch mickey is asleep with his head on svetlanas lap
|what's going on it's a little late don't you think|-i
|ian go to your own house for a while|-mandy
mickey wakes up he looks at me his eyes are blood shot he looks away
|what's wrong with mickey|-i
|go home ian|-s
mandy stands up and tries pushing me out
|what the fuck is wrong with mick|-i
|ian he'll talk to you when he's ready|-ma
|no what's wrong|-i
|get him his pills he'll need them tomorrow|-mi
|mickey what's wrong|-i
she walks into his room i run up to him he closes his eyes i get on my knees and run my fingers through his hair tears stream out of his eyes i wipe them
|ian i'll see you at school tomorrow and i'll talk to you about this|-ma
i kiss mickeys forehead he pushes me away i grab my pills and walk out
i start crying even more svetlana puts her hand on my shoulder
|he will be ok|-s
i shake my head no
|mickey he's going through a lot he just needs time and so do you it's best if you stay away from each other|-ma
|you don't understand|-mi
|we understand mickey|-s
|i don't want time|-mi
|you don't want it you need it|-ma
|he is not good for you right now|-s
i've never loved anyone like ian i've never even been loved by someone like ian loves me or i thought loved me
it's 7:30 am i get up and walk to ian's house carls on the front porch
|ian inside?|-m
|you look like shit|-c
|yes or no|-m
he nods i walk inside he's eating breakfast he takes his pills at 8:00 but i'm not waiting i grab a pill from each bottle i hand them to ian he takes them and i walk out
i take ian 3 pills and walk to the office
|uhh ian needs to take his pills|-m
she calls him to the office only moments later he walks in i hand him his pills and a bottle of water he takes them
|why are you doing this?|-i
|you need to take your pills or we're done for good|-m
|mickey what did i do|-i
i walk away he follows me
|mick what did i do|-i
|you kissed caleb right in front of me after slicing your whole arm open because you wanted to feel something how do you think that makes me feel|-m
he stops following me
i walk into ian's house grab three pills and walk into his bedroom lip and ian are talking i hand him them and a half's drank gatorade from his nightstand he takes them

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