70. Digging up bones

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Chapter 70: Digging up bones

"So this is what you've held from me, you demented, rotting cur. I cannot blame you, in your mind a God spoke."

Leiodus' fingers danced on the aged paper as if stroking a delicate lover. "After all this time, meddling Gods still stick their noses in business that isn't theirs. No, that's not quite right, Sun's light touches everything not blocked by the blackness of shadows. Yet here you went, seeking a soldier, hiding it amongst the flock. Yellow is your favorite color."

Leiodus' tall and broad frame leaned back in the yielding chair, propping long legs dipped in his usual black attire on his mahogany desk. "Yusiel, Yusiel, you conniving bastard. You always did have a plan, one of your best qualities even. It's a shame you decided death seemed enjoyable. At my side, each of you could have been Godlings. Even I enjoy friends."

A broad and pale hand tapped the wooden table in a rhythmic pattern. "What to do now...what to do first... Hmm, I need to test the method on a subject, one worth the success but not bothersome to lose if it fails."

His hand bled the black ooze over the table. "Show me my pieces." Small figures began to appear on the table, each one indicated by a different shaped figure. The biggest and blackest indicated Sega and Leiodus rolled his eyes. His child always squandered his days away, sleeping until half the day passed.

It didn't matter; he didn't need anything from Sega currently and he'd never test anything on his precious new shell.

He eyed the table for a moment, sensing something. Being the anchor or all things Black came with perks, he could tell what level of energy each of his minions exuded.

He eyed Vyjas' figure. The man seemed to be with his son a bit off from the Hall. After Valas' stupidity a few days ago, surely Vyjas entertained himself with a punishment for his child.

Until he could master the technique Yusiel acquired, Leiodus could not promise Vyjas a new shell yet, merely the gift of longevity through the Black. Either way, both sat at an adequate level of energy since neither needed to use any at the moment.

Aesmond stood outside of his door, ever the faithful follower, so he ignored the figure. Sega sat inside the Hall and as Leiodus eyed his figure, he noted the details. Something about his son seemed grander and darker.

He smirked, so Sega enjoyed a snack and a very fulfilling one at that. He played with the figure with a single finger, eyes gleaming. "My ravenous little beast, to feed before your Alpha, how insubordinate. You seem to need a reminder. I'll play with you later."

Blue eyes scanned the table, a slight scowl gracing the dark and handsome face. "Where the fuck is Nathan?"

Black energy coiled, drawing in all the figures before moving off of the table. It hit the edge of the room before it turned into the vision of Nathan, chained, battered, hanging on a wall. Leiodus rose, stalking over to his energy. "Where is this?"

"Moon Lands. Captured."

Black brows tilted over bright eyes in confusion. "How the fuck did he manage that? He is a special kind of idiotic. So he's in the Cloud. That means I have a hidden participant."

The smile that appeared wrinkled relatively smooth skin, showing age. "Who oh who are you? You're not the Father, perhaps the Mother...or the Son?"

Canines flashed as Leiodus' smile broadened. "Then why do you have one of my pets? Who gave you my poor pup? Who slinks beyond the edges of my board?" He looked up at the 'face' and arched his brows. "Can we obtain him, or will it be too dangerous?"

The energy stayed silent for a long moment before speaking. "With the Cloud King's energy. We need a key to enter or it will dispel us. It will waste a massive amount of energy."

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