61. Who bites Who

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Chapter 61: Who Bites Who

"This fucker is starting to get on my last nerve as well!"

"Prince Valas, might I ask that you keep your focus on the task at hand?"

Valas sneered at the ebony woman who still laid down crystals around another slumped over body in the adjacent bed. "Well, if you would also hurry the fuck up with your magical ritual or whatever it is! Why is he like that, anyway? He can barely stay awake for five fucking minutes!"

"Young ones, yelling at each other doesn't stop the chaos, does it?" The Medica casually mopped the floor, the trail of red blood diluting with each pass. "Should have used some lemons for freshness."

Tahalla and Valas looked at each other, both thinking the same thing. One of them was trying to get Naki to regain his own consciousness while the other was trying to convince Sega's wounds to close. They were multitasking, Tahalla trying to set up the Moonlight Crystals so Naki could draw from them, but they needed him to wake up and assist Valas to get Sega's wounds to close. Valas had activated his own black, infusing Sega with it to coat the open stab wounds. And the Medica was moping, mumbling about lemons.

Tahalla finally finished surrounding Naki with the crystals. He would slowly draw from them, but they didn't have time to go slow.

She summoned her Light again, letting it wash over Naki. "Naki, hun, I'm going to need you to come to. I'm aware that you feel extremely tired, but Sega needs your help specifically. I can't do it."

She came to understand more and more of the situation when she and Valas came to aid. The question as to why they were all naked became evident, at least.

One of these two could only answer the broader details. She only knew it evolved Sega turning into a Black One, and Naki missing a massive portion of his energy.

For the young Cloud Prince, the Source was intertwined with his life. It was akin to be being drained of blood, much like Sega was experiencing. Sega must have seeped it from Naki. It seemed the man had come to his senses after the act and misunderstood terribly.

They had only gotten so much from a crying Naki before his own eyes seemed to fade out and he'd fallen over. Alfonz was of little help. He could only tell the part that he was engaged in.

Once Sega had chased Naki around the corner, he couldn't see anything, though the King regaled what he'd heard. Thankfully, the medica had no trouble with cleaning either man off.

Sega's tasted the Source and his Black being so strong, Tahalla's light wouldn't entice the entity to latch on and feed. Valas was forcing out Sega's Black by infusing the open wounds with his own. Once the entity took on a host, it had a personality of its own. Valas forcing his energy in would cause Sega's body to combat the intrusion, which Tahalla hoped would also tell Sega's body it needed to heal, and fast.

It seemed, though, even the entity could not overpower Sega's desire to off himself, even as a life preservative. The Black could not rival the host's strongest desire. Sega's last cognitive desire was death and he couldn't regain consciousness to tell his Black other wise.

"And where the fuck is Cerise? Can't do a blood transfusion without blood!"

"Prince Valas!" Tahalla tried her best, but her patience was short. "We are aware of all the current problems we are facing."

"And yet none of them are being solved now, are they?" Though he would not admit it out loud, trying to keep Sega from bleeding to death was causing him serious anxiety. They were basically brothers. Irrational, slightly sadistic brothers. "You stupid fuck! This isn't Romeo and Juliet the fucking rewrite."

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