29. Pack Reunion

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Chapter 29: Pack Reunion

Sega sat on one side of the massive bed, while Aiden sat on the other. Between them slept Naki, who hadn't woken since their arrival three days ago. Both men were pretty worried, although both Medica and the doctor told them that he suffered from exhaustion.

Aiden ran one jeweled hand through his well-combed locks, eyes trained on a document in his hand. "I've prepared the entire training hall to house your guards and hunters. I have also lined the surrounding field of the hall with training materials. It also leads to a small expanse of mountains that can also be used to their advantage. Three days out of the week, we will dedicate ourselves to helping your men and women fish the river. We will spend the days leading up to winter filling one of the drying houses with all meats dedicated to the Field Pack. I will meet with the Meadow soon for herbs and plants for our medical supplies that might run dry over the year. I hope that you can supply my pack with an adequate grain supply and keep your Sassafras from crossing the border."

Sega glanced up from scribbling on his stack of papers. A fine brow raised towards Aiden. "I can agree with all of that, but what makes you think I know anything about drugs moving over your borders?"

"My border is your border. You have to cross the end of your territory to enter mine. This means you should have the means to regulate what crosses over and what doesn't." Aiden motioned to the left side of his body, "brown grain." He motioned to the other side, "green drugs."

Sega narrowed his eyes. His eyebrows twitched slightly. "I honestly believe you want me to try to end you. You bait me with your insufferable buffoon-like qualities so that I lose my mind and try to murder you."

Aiden shrugged his massive shoulders. "This buffoon is already Alpha, and you are the one who needs my insufferable help, so yeah, I'm milking the shit out of my demands."

Sega gripped the papers in his hands, growling slightly before taking a deep breath. "Moving on, I have arranged for my brother Cerise to come to the manor. With my father gone, I'd rather he not be in the pack alone. Something has almost kidnapped him more times than I'd like."

Sega slid his eyes towards Naki. "I was hoping to," he cleared his throat, almost embarrassed to continue, "surprise Naki on his birthday. I guess that won't be happening."

Aiden's brown eyes widened slightly. "You actually thought about Naki's birthday. You thought about a really nice gift? Is everything all right? Are you dying?"

Sega rose, eyes narrowed, and canines bared. "See?! You fumbling oaf, this is why I don't discuss anything with you!"

Aiden clenched his gut, giving a hearty laugh. "Don't hiss at me because you don't understand how to take a tease, you cat of a man! You don't discuss things with me because you might get a validly differing opinion that might show you that your way isn't always right! If I'm an oaf and a buffoon, you are a peacock and a stag that can't stop staring at its reflection in the water! Such a mighty wolf hisses like an angry kitten!"

Sega threw his hands up. "What does that even mean? I swear, you mountain lumberjacks have the oddest saying! Call me a cat one more time and watch where my claws land!"

"How can I be a lumberjack, Sega?" Aiden rose as well, his exasperation high. "There are no fucking trees around here!"

"That was not the point!"


Naki sat in bed, his two mates looking adoringly at him. They both wore soft white robes, their hair adorned with flowers and ferns. They both smiled at him lovingly, their eyes telling him their entire worlds only existed for him.

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