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Today is the day.

The day where all of their dreams would come true.

The day where they were going to found out how they could be heroes, how they could save people, how they could protect each other.

"I want my quirk to be just like All Might's!" shouted a young boy, as he and his family ate their breakfast.

His brother, which looked exactly like him, scoofed at him "You don't even know what his quirk is! Endeavour is so much better than him! His fire is the best quirk in the world!" he said as he pretended to shot fire out of his little hands, trying to be like his favourite pro-hero.

"Is not"

"It is"

"Is not"



"I Like Thirteen" the girl version of the boys said, very quietly but loud enough for her father to hear

The man laughed "Me too starlight, you're going to be just like her" the glint in his daughter's eyes made him smile.

The vision of his children becoming pro-heroes made him smile. It also created a pain his chest, due to the danger and pain that the job will bring to them, but he had no doubt in his mind that three of them will grow up to become the world's greatest heroes, not if he can't help it.

If only his wife would do the same.

The man sighs as stared at the "read" under the message he texted a few minutes ago, asking if she was going to the doctor with them, for what it could probably be one of most important days in their children's lifes, surely she would like to be there.

Apparentely not.

A tug in his sleeve wakes him up. He looks at his daughter "What is it Ochaco?"

"Aren't you going to eat anything?" she says as she looks at the empy space in front of her father, where it should be a bowl of cereal like hers or her brother's, or at least a cup of coffe.

Little Hinata Uraraka also notices "Yeah daddy where is your food? You have to eat so you can be strong like All Might!"

"Strong like Endeavour you mean!" replied little Kyo Uraraka, furious that his stupid brother still prefered stupid All Might

Before it could turn into another argument which would turn into another headache, Hatori Uraraka replied to his triplets "I ate earlier my sunshines, don't worry about this old man" the boys seemed to have bought it but his little girl looked at him as if she knew that he was lying.

As they grew older it became harder to lie to them about their financial situation.

The situation being that were completely fucked if things didn't get better soon.

Pulling those thoughts aside, he finished preparing them, and of they went to the doctor, to find out what their quirks are.



His little girl was quirkless.

"I'm truly sorry Mr.Uraraka, it appears that your daughter doesn't seem to have any signs of a mutation in her body"

His sunshine didn't have a quirk.

"She's different from her brothers I'm afraid"

Little Hinata seemed to be hable to erase the gravity of everything with the touch of his small fingers. Just earlier they were all laughing as his oldest (by a few minutes) son made a pen float and then drop it again and again. His complexion was a little green for his liking but he would talk to him about the effects it had on his body later.

The girl in the support classWhere stories live. Discover now