Two minds work better than one

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After everybody partner up, although Ochako didn't pay that much attention to new duos that Aizawa and Power Loader formed because her brain was already running wild with ideas, all of the students were dismissed and told to form some ideas to what they wanted to do and to ask for help from the teachers in case they had any trouble.

They also said that the groups were final and that they were not allowed to switch their partners. This was because it would be a lesson for them, for in the future they will work with people they do not like and they would have to suck it up.

That wouldn't be a problem for Ochako, for what she learned about Momo in the times she would hang out at the hero dorm, she knew that the raven hair girl was soft spoken but very pleasant. She hoped that Momo liked her, and that she wouldn't find Ochako over the top enthusiasm about all things creative off putting.

So there she was, in her room packing her drafts of things she wanted to bring to life with Momo like a madwoman, knowing that the other girl was already waiting for her in her own room so they could get started since they only had two weeks to do the project and both wanted to begin as soon as possible.

Mei bursts her door open and invites herself into Ochako's room, her own papers stacked in her arms.

Ochako eyes her friend "Need a hand with that?"

Mei shakes her head "Nope, hurry your ass up, my baby daddy is waiting for me"

Ochako giggles as she puts the strap of her bag over her shoulder "I thought I was your baby daddy" and walks towards her.

"Ever heard of two-timing?"

Ochako gasps, putting her hand over her heart "How dare you?" She locks her door and the two girls walk to the elevator.

Mei rolls her eyes "Please, like I would settle for one single person"

"If it's the right one"

"Meh, boooring" and blows a raspberry.

"I didn't know you were into that kind of stuff"

Mei turns her full body to her "You're telling me that you never thought of having more than one boyfriend?In this economy?"

Just as Ochako was about to answer, the door to the elevator opens on the main floor and they walk out.

"Mei, I can't even get one boyfriend, let alone two" Ochako tells her, as they pass the living area of their dorm where some students were resting and chatting. Apparently not everybody was itching to start their work already. But she thought she saw Tsuyu's green hair by the corner with one of the boys in the support class.

"Girl don't talk like you don't already have a pack of dogs that wiggle their tails everytime they see you"

Ochako stops in her tracks, just in front of the door to the outside "What are you talking abou-"

"Some of us have places to be quirky, so move your useless ass" a voice comes from behind her.

Ochako turns around and sees Ymir standing there, also with her backpack "No need to be rude" she tells the blonde.

The girl says nothing, she just bumps her shoulder and walks past her.

Towards 1-A dorm.

Right, her partner is Deku. She didn't know how to feel about that.

"I swear to god one day I'm going to shave that bleach hair of hers and then I'm going to-" Mei angrily says and continues rambling, stomping her way down the stairs. Ochako follows and gets lost in thought when she thinks about all the private moments Ymir and Izuko are going to share, and fears that the girl will turn her first friend in UA against her. Her heart speeds up just imagining Deku's cold stare towards her.

The girl in the support classWhere stories live. Discover now