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The week passed by rather quickly, with Ochako and Momo making progress on their project every single day. Everybody kept to themselves what they were working on, but that didn't stop a few rather noisy people from wanting to discover what their classmates were creating.

Ochako was sitting in the hero course living room, hanging out with the future pro-heroes, after a Friday full of classes that made everybody in that room exhausted. But some of them still had the energy to piss off others.

"Tell me" he pokes her check.

She stops her reading to glare at her invader, that was laying on the couch next to her, taking up the entire space, with his head nearly on her lap "No"

The boy pouts "'Chakooo" he drags her name in annoyance, but she wouldn't tell him what he wanted to hear.

"I said no" she closes her book with more force than it needed, the sound echoing through the entire room.

"Pleaseee" he lays his head on her lap, doing puppy eyes at her, like that little trick was going to work.

It was, because her heart always skipped a beat when his gaze remained on her for more than just a second.

She rolls her eyes "I'm not telling you what I'm working on with Momo, you'll see next week"

Deku grabs her hand and puts it on his hair. She immediately has the urge to run her fingers through it but stops herself before she does something stupid "If you ask my what I'm doing, I'll tell ya"

She scoffs "No thanks, I have no intention of knowing what you're doing with Ymir behind closed doors" she crosses her arms to get as far away from him as possible, which was impossible since his stupid head is on top of her.

He narrows his eyes at her and smiles "You're jealous"

She deadpans at him "Why the hell would I be jealous, you broccoli?"

He frowns at the nickname but goes on with his teasing "Becauuuse, I'm spending my time with Ymir and not you. But don't worry precious, you're my number one lady" he finishes with a wink.

She keeps staring at him until she gets tired of how his closeness is making her crazy and warm in her belly so she does the first thing she can think of.

She pushes him off her.

The boy falls to the ground with a tud and it takes everything in her not to laugh at his stupid face. That's not the case for Katsuki, since he had arrived in the living room at the exact moment she pushed him off and was now cackling like an evil scientist. Katsuki might be (extremely) handsome, but his laugh was uglier than anything she had ever heard.

She loved it.

Deku lays starfish in the ground, not moving from his spot and pouting at her. Ochake lifts an eyebrow at him, daring him to say something.

"I don't know what happened" Katsuki starts, between laughs "But I'm sure you deserved it you stupid nerd" he comes to stand behind the couch, his elbows on the backside of it, leaning so he can look at the ground at Deku.

"No one asked you Kacchan" Deku glares at him, although he doesn't look very scary because of his position.

The blonde jumps over the couch and sits right next to Ochako, his arm resting behind her. She sides eyes him due to how close he sits next to her even though he has the whole couch to stretch his big body.

What was with these boys and invading her personal space, she could barely breathe when they did this shit.

"So, what did he do to make you use violence?" the blonde asks her, ignoring his childhood friend.

The girl in the support classWhere stories live. Discover now